Monday, August 13, 2012


MUHAHAHAHA! I have created my blog! Whoop whoop! Let's hope it works out alright. If y'all have any suggestions, feel free to voice them whether it's "This font is stupid" or "TOO MANY BRIGHT COLORS!" I'm a blog noob so go easy on me please. ^_^

So yes, my blog is titled 'T.A.F.F.Y.' Why you might ask? Does it mean the blog is an edible, yummy concoction? The answer....yes. If you can figure out a way to eat it, go right ahead. But the original reason is it being an acronym standing for "Taiwan Adventures Featuring Fantastic Yapping." That and I will try to make it a delicious experience as much as possible.

For those who do not know, I soar to my new home on August 18th. That's five days from now! OH MY RSIASGLSDHGISAFL!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? :P So there won't be many, if any, new posts until then. I plan on updating several times a week but I can't predict any blogging patterns until I arrive in Taiwan and see what the schedule will be like. But look forward to it!

Until next time! Peace! :D

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