Friday, November 9, 2012

Boys will be...girls?

Monday November 5th, 2012

And now I shall create this Monday Taffy while still writing on Wednesday. How strange this seems! XD

The day marked the first school day with my new house. The night before the family estimated that I could arrive to school on time if I left the house at 7:00. That time seems really early for them but in fact it’s twenty minutes later than when I left my first host family’s house in the morning. Prepared with the MRT route knowledge from my brother’s walking me through on Saturday, I had nothing to fear. And I didn’t fear anything. Riding the MRT was an easy breeze. It’s the bus that gave me the chills. It’s the same has I always take to University but the difference was the clock broadcasted the time 7:56 when I usually arrived on campus at 7:20. Class starts at 8:10. The classroom is in the far back of the campus requiring a lengthy walk. My stomach was growling in hunger. A visit to the cafeteria would take about ten minutes, maybe. I needed to review for the day’s quiz. OH SNAP! It resulted in me power walking and going to class on an empty, rumbling stomach. Darn it.

That was when Akiko became my breakfast Santa and gave me a banana and mandarin orange. She brought a bunch of fruit from her host family’s house because it would soon rot if not eaten. I was very grateful for her kindness and quieted my appetite. The banana deserves a shout out because it was amazing! Some kind of Asian banana, it was shorter and thicker than a standard American banana but it was twice as yummy!

During our first class break, I become a hobbit from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and fetched some second breakfast. My choice was the scrumptious #8 fruit and veggie sandwich from last week. I craved it too much to wait for Thursday’s University class to eat its deliciousness again. The downside was that my belly ended in being too stuffed and full after eating the sandwich. Uh-oh!

I compensated for this with lunch. A big group of exchange students went out to try a new noodle shop. Both Brittany and I were not at all hungry so we shared a small noddle soup together. It was a good idea to do so because neither of us could’ve eaten a whole bowl by ourselves.

Back at high school, our Monday allotted time for Spanish lessons were supposed to be an interview for a student’s project in New York but got cancelled because Redy was very busy. So it turned into ‘sit down on the fourth balcony and do whatever’ time. ;)

Something interesting that occurred during this time were students dressing in short kimonos for girls and Japanese looking stuff for guys. Apparently a photo-shoot was taking place on the floor we were hanging out on. All of a sudden one guy comes up to me and wanted picture time with me. I always oblige a request like this but I actually wanted a picture with him as well. This guy had personality and a lot of self-confidence! XD Observe!

You can just imagine the type of crazy guy he is from this photo without me saying anything. And I shan’t. I’ll let your imagination run wild. ;) (Also I don’t really know him. I only had a photo time and that was it.)

Today’s culture exchange was over food. Until further notice it was the last one. My group’s members were super quiet and needed some coaxing from me. It was cute! ;) Seat buddy was in my group and actually was surprisingly the most talkative one. (He usually is very quiet in class so him talking was different) The session was good and we got our work done. Yay!

Seat buddy is the dude next to me who seems to be looking at my forehead. XD The guy on the left is apparently too busy looking at the paper or my shoes to smile for the camera. XD

Afterward I went out with four classmates to do something exciting. Ice-skating! It’s been so long since I last skated! I was very much looking forward to it and spending time with classmates. It was an indoor rink with fair facilities. They had one area blocked off for ice hockey, another for kid lessons and another for figure skating practice. The rink was also smaller than indoor rinks I’ve been to in America. Needless to say, it was kind of small compared to the Galleria for example. That and the practicing figure skaters wouldn’t stay in the marked cones. I would be skating along and a chica would just slide into my path. A lot of dodging was involved, especially when need-for-speed show-offs bolted past you, threatening to knock you off balance. XD But overall it was fun. That is, except for one thing.

One classmate fell down on the ice face first, smashing his chin into the ground. He got up and seemed fine but still needed to sit down and recuperate. That plan was soon forgotten as his chin began bleedings quite a bit. We took him to the ice rink doctor who stopped the bleeding and bandaged him up. Seeing him in pain was heart breaking but all I could do to help was merely help clean the blood off that dripped onto his hand. His mother came by and took him to the hospital to make sure everything was fine. He called later and said things were good with only a little pain left. That was a relief because I was really worried about him.

Dinner was eaten at a nearby McDonald’s. Trying to limit the unhealthiness, I ordered a McChicken with small fires and water. Cheaper combo and fewer calories? WIN!

Once the food was consumed, it was off to home. Home then bed. Again another reason my Taffy was written late. It was late and I was just too tired to concentrate on anything. But no biggie. ;D

Nighty nighty my darlings! See you next time!  

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