Friday, November 16, 2012

'Grandriders' Are Cool And COSTCO ROCKS!

Sunday November 11th, 2012

Something has been killing my brain. I can’t remember the breakfast differences between Saturday and Sunday. One was really big and I want to say Sunday but I just can’t say for sure. GAH! It bothers meeeeeee!

This referenced big breakfast was as follows:
-One fried egg
-Sasuage with ketchup
-One slice of PB toast
-One slice of bread with corn and tuna sandwiched in
-Green veggie of some sort
Except for the PB toast and soymilk, the rest was kindly and deliciously made by Yi Na. I sure wasn’t hungry afterwards!

This fine Sunday morning was unfortunately miscalculated on how long it takes to get to my home church. With power walking and not getting coffee (I wanted to), I arrived in the beginning songs of service nonetheless still late. Darn it!

Not being able to stay for Beta groups, Akiko and I headed out prematurely in lunch for a Rotaract movie event. I’m sure glad she came with me because it would’ve been tough finding the place all by myself. It was located in a place called Ximen, which is a crowded living shopping area (I’ve been there twice before). With some difficulty, we finally found the movie theater, the correct floor and the Rotaract people.

The movie we were viewing was a documentary over elder Taiwanese in their 80’s touring around Taiwan on scooters. The main purpose of this feat was to prove one is never too old to accomplish their dreams even if they aren’t in the healthiest condition. It was a really cool and touching film as we watched these elders battle their way to complete the journey. They saw new sights, experienced new things and championed the name “Grandriders.” A really, really extraordinary task they accomplished! What was most surprising was two of the Grandriders, an elderly couple, was present at the viewing. WOAH! It was such a shock to see them on screen and afterwards finding out they were in the same room! Cool! It’s like watching Johnny Depp in a movie and then immediately afterwards, seeing him in the same movie theater in person. XD The cute couple gave a small talk at the end (either in Chinese or Taiwanese, I couldn’t tell). Even though I didn’t understand them, it was cool to see them in person.

There’s a part of the movie I just have to point out. (FYI, it had both Chinese and English subtitles). One of the Grandriders said that (at the time) it had been eleven days since he left his home and family with “Of course I’m homesick.” Both Akiko and I looked at each other and smiled in silence. I don’t think I have to explain why, do I now? ;P

Following the finished event, Akiko and I just went around Ximen with the goal of coffee. In Taipei it is super easy to find a café (a free Wi-Fi café is a whole other monster). Yet Ximen seemed to completely lack any sign of a café if you exclude Starbucks. Sorry but I’m not a fan of expensive coffee on a budget. :P We searched and searched but no success in the end. So we settled for a snack of a KFC egg tart and a street vendor treat Akiko like (it mimicked mocha). The food wasn’t bad but it was the conversation that really mattered. Just having fun talking with each other is what counted. ^_^

I didn’t stay for too long because dinner was approaching, signaling the need/want to go home. Uncle Eric had returned from his business trip in China, which allowed us to have a nice family meal with him. And a large meal it was! Of course it was delicious too! ;D

An opportunity opened up for me to do something that has been on my wish-list for several months. Go to Costco! Auntie Jenny, Uncle Eric, Allen, Pi Nan and I all went together to buy some food for the family. Goodness gracious it was crowded! Despite it being dinnertime, people filled the store left and right even though my family told me at the time we came it usually is fairly empty. So we went around getting groceries and samples until my eyes fell upon a sight for sore eyes. “GHIRARDELLI.” HELLO DEAR! :D What I saw as a Ghirardelli triple chocolate brownie mix…really? REALLY? I’ve been looking for something like this! Because I don’t know how to work with Asian kitchens and ingredients are super expensive, a brownie mix was the perfect solution to my desire, the desire to bake for my family to show my appreciation. So we just had to get it. ;D YAY!

My excitement was multiplied when I came across another familiar name in Costco. Can you guess what it was? Hint: it has appeared in the Taffy blog before. Give away hint: I had it everyday for American school lunch. NATURE VALLEY LOVE! HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY! :D Costco has my love! I can’t believe it! It had two types, the ‘oat & honey granola’ and ‘fruit & nuts’. Even though they didn’t have my beloved peanut or cashew bars, I’m still thrilled to have found it exists in Taiwan. My family generously bought one box of ‘fruit & nuts’ for snacks or breakfast sides. I was very, very happy! ^_^ I now know I can buy it in Taiwan but the difficulty comes from needing a Costco membership card and the fact that it’s packaged in bulk. A small box of six found in American is miles less than a whooping forty-eight bar box. Still…NATURE VALLEY! WHOO! :D

Back at the house we carried the groceries inside and pretty much went straight back out afterwards. Uncle Eric, Allen and I took a stroll on a nearby bridge titled “Sunny bridge.” Throughout the structure, bright LED lights of many colors brilliantly glowed in the night. It was a really nice place to walk along during the night. Pretty yet safe. The cherry on top was talking with my family. I always enjoy their company. A lovely stroll and building excitement for baking brownies tomorrow, the night ended on a pleasant note.

And I bid you a pleasant farewell! Good night everybody! ^_^

P.S. It's my retainer anniversary! On 11/11/11 (nice and easy to remember right? ;P) is when I got my beloved orange retainer from my orthodontist. His orders were to wear it 24/7 (except when eating) for one whole year. Then I could switch to only wearing at night. So since it's my anniversary, the switch shall take place! And behold! I have straight teeth and can show them to the world without metal lining them in daylight. Whoo! :D

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