Thursday, November 15, 2012

Family Dinner Goodness!

Friday November 9th, 2012

Well, my morning started off on the right foot. Instead of coffee, I bought some fruit milk for a healthier morning breakfast. Whoo! See? I’m not getting addicted to coffee! *cough cough* to be continued…

My free time in class was spent writing more Taffys. Not exactly eventful. It was after lunch where it got eventful. But not in a good way. More in a ‘I really don’t want to do it’ way. I had the global news report in civics class and wasn’t looking forward to it. There wasn’t any good news to talk about and I’m pretty sure it’s extremely boring to my classmates despite my efforts to liven it up. What I really dreaded was the subject of the U.S.A. presidential election results. I’ve heard from two other exchange students who supported Romney that they got criticized for it to the point where a girl literally got booed for being Republican. At all costs I did not want to enter a discussion about politics with people who have the outlook of republicans are evil. It seems that they had a democratic biased briefing from the media that based their view. I miss the educated socratic seminars in high school where they had a more open outlook to understandingly discuss academic things between history, English, etc.

Anyway, the global news wasn’t good. The classroom was chattering away throughout my whole talk and I had an awkward time trying to explain to the teacher what the news told me. No me gusta.

*twiddles thumbs* I…I…I…I ordered a latte at school. CURSES! I was so tired and wanted energy for tonight’s planned family dinner that I just had to. It’s not at the point to be called ‘addicted’ but I’m at the point of ‘guilty pleasure.’ Not bad but not particularly good. :P

Speaking of a family dinner, that’s exactly what happened. Right after I got home and changed into nicer clothes than my school uniform, we left for a traditional Chinese restaurant. Our party included Auntie Jenny, Pi Nan, Yavanna, Yavanna’s parents, Xiao Di, Allen and me. Allen only stayed for the first half of the meal because he had University class to attend. Uncle Eric couldn’t attend because he was on a business trip in China. But the company that was present was wonderful and the food delicious as always.

The various dishes ranged from beef, eggplant, peanuts, veggies and a big hot pot. The hot pot had so many ingredients that I can’t remember them all, plus I don’t know half of the food’s names. XD But a few included foods were fish, cabbage, egg, meatball and more. Seriously there are so many different foods in a hot pot that it mimics Christmas. Just like opening your presents, in hot pots you never know what’s all inside. ;)

Back at the house, conversation and food continued with the add on of pleasure drinking. Wine for the ladies and beer for the men with soymilk for me. XD No alcohol for Andrea thank you very much! Both wanting to be with the merry company and to wait for Allen to return home, I stayed up a bit late but eventually went upstairs after I started feeling uncomfortable with all the alcohol around me. No they weren’t wasted but I’m just not a fan of watching the consumption of alcohol so closely. Plus I had to do work on my laptop a little before beddy-bye.

And that concludes my Friday! Thanks for reading. Bye-bye.

1 comment:

  1. hahah I don't think you'll have to worry about thanksgiving, I think you just got it at that dinner! dang that's a lot of food...and as for world news, there's this huge scandal with the head of the CIA if you got something for next week. it might appeal to the more gossipy side of the class lolz
