Monday, November 19, 2012

Featuring A Bit Of Fiction!

Tuesday November 13th, 2012

There I was, walking along towards school, merrily listening to the good old iPod with a spring in my step then…BAM! I got attacked! A ferocious flying object penetrated into my left inner thigh, slicing into my skin and spilling out blood. Was this the end for me? NO! I’m a soldier! And a soldier must push forward and attend school! I had to crawl down the road on arms and elbows until a friendly unicorn came and assisted me in transportation. We rode past the Rocky Mountains, the Great Wall of China, Santa’s workshop, fist-bumped Ezio in Rome then successfully arrived to class on time. A bottle of heart potion was left on my desk by Link, which healed my wound right up. Nothing could keep me from Taiwanese high school classes!

Forgive me. I’ve written so much non-fiction documentation that I have craved for  slice of fiction fun. I could get a lot and I mean a lot more crazier with the above story but I’ll digress before I call it madness then make a Sparta reference. :P What DID happen though was a random, solid rubber thing slamming into my leg out of no where. It scared the be-jebbies out of me because I was in la-la-land before the attack and got violently pulled out of it from the impact. It didn’t really hurt, rather it was just a sudden shock. Do you prefer my non-fiction or fiction version? ;P

In my classmates fiction seeing eyes, a vicious monster invaded the classroom and wanted to eat everyone’s guts. And what a terrifying wee bug it was! (Note the humorous sarcasm :P) Just like the last encounter, my high school class turned into an elementary class with skittish fear of the crawling creature. The guy who wants to look older always becomes like a scaredy-cat child when a bug is nearby. How ironically funny!

Be proud of me! For my lips did not touch coffee today! They sure wanted to but subconsciously I knew I shouldn’t drink one today. I was determined! My ability to stay away from the beverage and not have withdrawals gives me reassurance that I am not addicted to coffee. Let’s keep it that way. ;P

Art class time. Since our stamper project was complete, today would surely have a new drawing assignment of some sort. But what? What indeed. I predicted a sketch of a topic in our drawing books. I was wrong. So wonderfully wrong. The project assigned made me do a merry little jig of happiness. Most everyone reading this should know about my love for making papercrafts, right? …I think you know what I’m getting at here. We had to make a PAPERDOLL! YES! I kept thinking during the project ‘HOLD UP! I GOT THIS! IIIIIIII GOT THISSSSSSS!” It was a super easy craft because the human and Pokemon papercrafts I’m used to are mountains harder. This pattern today didn’t require glue, didn’t have perfectly aligned lines and had a very blocky shape. Meaning: Super simple. I was just happy to be creating paperdolls again! Apart from cooking/baking, making papercrafts is another craving that will build up in Taiwan and explode in a spree in Texas. XD

The most interesting part of the paperdoll in art class was that it was completely white. Blank. Nothing. *a glimmer twinkles in my eyes* Therefore we had to design a character on our own. OH! The possibilities! I was going crazy with ideas. My initial thought was to create a beloved Motochika. I mean, come on, how could I not think of him first? XD Afterwards, options like Ezio Auditore and the Minecraft character popped into my head (Ezio because the flat block head would look good with his hood though the torso is more difficult to draw and the Minecraft person because the paperdoll shape screamed “MINECRAFT!” but it’s not very recognizable design). I just decided to stick with Motochika but lacked any supplies to begin the process. I managed to borrow a pair of scissors to cut out the pieces but didn’t have access to a craft knife, markers or glue. So I concluded I would have to buy the supplies myself within the next week or so to complete the project. My guess was that we would have 1-2 weeks until it was due, giving me time to brainstorm how to make Motochika look awesome. Oooooh I had some good ideas with his design! This is the type of art assignment I can really dive into since I already have a lot of experience. :D

As a result of discovering ‘Feast of Fiction,’ one dish I crave to cook again is Harry Potter’s ‘Kreacher’s French Onion Soup.’ That deliciousness made me realize how tasty onions can be. I want it again! But surprise, surprise, I found a new dish at the buffet today just as I began to really want the French Onion Soup. Sliced cooked onions! What a coincidence! Though it wasn’t the same as the French Onion Soup, it still managed to satisfy my craving. Thank you school buffet for being so wonderful. ;)

Oh goodness! If you recall, in this very same Taffy I nearly went into a Sparta reference remember? Well in military class, our teacher/instructor/officer/whatever he is called showed us the ‘300’ movie trailer. In the trailer…THIS…IS…SPARTAAAAAAA!!! Nearly tore my stomach from containing the laughter inside. XD I wonder if Taiwanese know of that meme. I wonder…

A second military class instance today had me covering my mouth to mute giggling. Somehow, in someway, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood turned up in the PowerPoint. WHAT?! What’s Assassin’s Creed doing there? How in the world could they show, HI EZIO, such a thing in a military class? Actually I think it was to introduce Machiavelli as a historic figure. But the random appearance of ACB shocked me into silent fan squeals. :P

Since this was my last night before switching host families, I looked forward to a last dinner together as a family because I predicted switching tomorrow right as I came home (a.k.a. no dinner). Unfortunately my family had to go out to dinner for something, business maybe. So Yi Na cooked a delicious meal that I ate alone. One particular dish was a mix of fried egg and long vegetable sprouts that I kept reaching for more. I think Taiwan has made me addicted to eggs. Yummy, yummy eggs. XD At least it gives me a lot of protein!

After dinner I went up to my room to do some stuff and later head a soft “文靜” (my Chinese name) at the door. I could recognize that voice anywhere! It was my host brother Allen. He reported that the family had returned home and prepared cranberry milk downstairs. Ecstatic that they were back, I hopped to it and joined them.

The mentioned beverage and some Ghirardelli brownie made a fine treat to have with my family. But our time together did not end there.

Allen wanted to get a hair cut at the barber’s shop across the street. Making the most out of my remaining time, I asked to tag along. In doing so I witnessed how one would go about trimming a boy’s hair. Now I know what you’re thinking. Andrea at a barber’s shop? Whaaaat? Trust me, my defense was multiplied by seventeen. The people were NOT going near my own hair with any sort of sharp murderous object! I was just there to be with my brother. He looked really nervous through the whole process so maybe it was good I came along. The people there were nice, nice enough to offer Allen and I some guava and Taiwanese food I can’t describe other than an Asian granola mix. The barber’s was an experience and Allen’s hair looked good both before and after. I left unscathed thankfully. :P

Later Uncle Eric, Allen and I went on a lengthy walk to a small place called “Bitan.” Our power walk ran along side a small creek and over a renovated suspension bridge. There we tried a food stand with sausage on a stick with small slits along the meat. Tasting it I found the meat very delicious and asked if it was pork. They answered “Yes, but mountain pig.” Mountain pig? What’s a mountain pig? Ohhhhh…a boar! Boar meat? Woah I ate boar meat! That might be a first for me, but it was mm-mm good!

The walk (Yay exercise!) the talk (Yay conversation) and the new food is another reason why I love this family, for I actually am family. Best…feeling…ever! Just had to emphasize that. ;)

Coming back from the hour long stroll, we joined other household members for some honey cake we bought at Costco. It had a very soft flavor with a fluffy texture. A nice light treat to have (and to try for the first time) before calling it a day.

Sooner or later nighttime approached and it was time for bed. I bid one last Chinese good night to my family and headed upstairs with Allen. There we said farewell because I wouldn’t get to see him tomorrow since he had class. Allen sweetly gave me Christian advice and I gave him a hug.

The hug thing. I just couldn’t resist. You see, I’m a hugger. For example, I always love to have a good night hug with my American family every night. That’s nearly 730 hugs a year just for good night hugs without including day time hugs. I like my hugs. ^_^ But Taiwan is a conservative country in that hugs are not common at all. If you embrace someone of the opposite gender, it’s a huge deal where in America I could hug as just friends (though not left and right mind you). So huge cravings have swirled inside me.

As a result of Allen being part American (has his legal citizenship), super friendly and open-minded, I decided to take the risk and ask if I could give him a farewell hug. To my delight he happily accepted and hug-eth time! Short but sweet, oh goodness I miss that part of American culture.

The two of us parted ways to our rooms without any drama because it wasn’t the last time we would see each other. No need to be dramatic. ;) If all works out, November 24th is when our paths will intersect again on Allen’s B-day. As his little sister and friend, of course I want to personally wish him a birthday greeting accompanied with a something-something gift. XD

For the rest of the night, I performed the task of packing all my stuff together. Slightly depressing but even more so scary. Dragging the luggage up and down stairs will be anything but fun. But heck I got it done and that’s that. All that’s left is to go back to my first host family’s house and pack what’s there. This outta be interesting. XD

Alright people. Here’s the last good night from my temporary host family’s house. Good night all and sleep well! ^_^

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