Saturday, November 3, 2012

Church Family Time!

Sunday October 28th, 2012

The morning air had that certain crisp refreshing feeling to it. That surely meant today was church! :D

Beginning with breakfast, I went to “Mr. Brown Coffee” for nourishment. Walking up to the third floor for a seat, I noticed something that screamed “AMERICA” to me. Lookie lookie! A1 STEAK SAUCE! AND HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP! Hey there buddies! XD I didn’t know they existed in Taiwan! Too bad my meal didn’t exactly match those particular sauces, otherwise I would’ve happily used them. ^_^

Waiting for my food I couldn’t help but take a picture with Mr. Brown himself. ;) No one was around, I had time and a camera in my hand. So I thought, ‘why not?’ XD Plus the logo is just charming!

Trying something new, I ordered an “Egg McMuffin with Smoked Ham” along with the usual fantastic glass of orange juice. It didn’t taste anything like an Egg McMuffin back in America but it was nonetheless good. Also it probably is a lot healthier than American Egg McMuffins. XD Included in between the bread was lettuce, tomato, cheese, smoked ham and egg. Pretty darn yummy!

Still kinda hungry and craving to try something I’ve had my eye on for the past month, before church I ducked in “Is Coffee” and tried their gelato. Selecting the chocolate chip flavor, I asked for one scoop. The taste test resulted in an average rating but was more like normal ice cream than actual gelato. Oh well. I’m happy I got to finally try it and at least know what it’s like now. :)

Insert church service!

As always, I joined a beta group after church and had a pleasant discussion. My group consisting of eight people had lunch at a local restaurant with a family type meal where we order a bunch of dishes and share between us. So it’s just like the rotating table style meal but without the rotating table. Our own hands and arms passing around plates acted as the rotating table. XD

A feature of the restaurant was unlimited rice refills. What was interesting was what the rice was served in. Twas a fancy designed dishware that was quite appeasing to look at!

Here’s some of the dishes we ordered. All were extremely delicious! The dish that looks like thick doughy nacho chips where something to do with shrimp. Quite fascinating, no? And so delectable!

Nearly all of our meal, two vegetable dishes and a fish were served after the previous picture. The other dish that had yet to arrive was another fish. Fishy, fishy, fish-fish! XD Very tasty fish I should say. :P

Meeting up with another beta group, we all went out for coffee together. Well, it was supposed to be coffee, but Andrea was kinda hungry. I should point that it wasn’t just quickly hopping from lunch to coffee time. There was a good amount of time in between, roughly an hour with standing and walking. I developed a bit of an appetite for waffles in particular and desired to satisfy my craving. So when most everyone got a beverage of some sort, I got “Banana Chocolate Ice Cream Waffle.” XD But hey, there was one other lady who got a waffle so I wasn’t alone. ;D

I didn’t take a picture of the waffle because of a couple reasons. One, I was the very veeeeeeery last person to get their order. This meant I waited a good thirty minutes with an appetite, staring at my peeps enjoying their individual orders. So I just kinda dove straight in when they finally arrived. XD Two, it wasn’t anything very special. It was plain waffles with banana slices bordering half the plate and about two tablespoons worth of ice cream sprinkled with nut slivers. Meh, it was ok but I was just happy to finally have gotten my order, so anything tasted good at that point. XD

Coffee church peeps!

One fun and extremely exciting thing that might just take place is language lessons from a fellow exchange student. Think it’s in Chinese? Well it won’t be. The chica is just like me in still learning Mandarin. Instead she is genuinely interested in teaching me a bit of her home language. I think this will excellent because: Firstly, I really would like to learn. Secondly, her home language is tremendously different from anything I’ve heard and can help train my ear and vocals in new areas. Thirdly, she really does wish to give me lessons. SO COOL! Do you wish to know which language? Let’s try and get you guessing as well as seeing if you pay attention during my Taffys. ;P This girl was a pirate for the Rotary Halloween Party.

Yeah, that’s a bit of a toughie but I wonder if anyone remembered. :P Other hints:

-She’s a church buddy
-Her nickname is Will

Anyone guessed it yet? ….Her home country’s capitol is Amsterdam. Come on! That’s a dead giveaway right there!

IT’S DUTCH! How fascinating is that?! Super fascinating, that’s what! :D So hopefully the both of us can fit some Dutch lessons in our schedules because that would be extraordinary! She already taught me how to say ‘hello,’ ‘how are you’ and ‘thank you.’ It’ll be a pleasant, fun time for her to share some of her country with me as well as myself gaining knowledge about The Netherlands. It’s ambassador time, making international life long friends! :D

But of course Chinese is my number one priority. And with that thought, I bid you all “wan an!” (Good night) Love y’all!

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