Sunday, October 28, 2012

Jingle-Jangle Time!

Saturday October 27th, 2012

WHOO! I GOT MY PARTY ON! :D How’s that for an introduction? ;)

Let us begin with the morning, shall we? There was a Rotaract meeting that I was invited to and of course, I happily wanted to attend! This meeting was more of a speech than a make-up session like last time. One of the Rotarians in my club, Uncle Kaiser, was kind enough to come and translate the Chinese and Taiwanese (Yes! Taiwanese!) into English for me. I really appreciated this because I was able to learn a little bit about the NEC company and the message included in the speech given. I traded business cards with the speaker and on his it read “NEC. Director. Vice President.” Holy crud! This guy is super high up in the business world! Amazing!

The main point of the speech was the importance of learning languages and creating a network of friendships. There was also a deep saying that was written down on the board, as shown. From what I remember, it reads along the lines of: “Use a mirror to judge, you can evaluate your clothes. Use people to judge, you can evaluate your inner self. Use history to judge, you can evaluate countries.” Gosh I really have a hard time remembering exactly what the translation was but it’s basically revolving around evaluation. Mirrors for clothes, people for yourself and history to countries. Does that make sense? I hope so. XD

After the meeting some Rotaract members went out to lunch. Twas a bit of a struggle to find a place because the first restaurant we went to turned us down because we needed a reservation. So after going back to the original meeting building to get some more people, we then headed to McDonald’s. Something-something happened and McDonald’s ended up as a no-no. Then we walked around again until we went into a smaller shop. I think it was a combined shop of both Korean food and “Austin Coffee.” I was so tempted to buy some “Austin Coffee” just because it is my home state’s capitol. XD

The lunch I ordered was something like “Korean udon noodles in a clay pot.” Seriously, that was what the written English translation said! What this clay pot contained was a bunch of various ingredients with, of course, udon noodles. Some of the ingredients were, a leafy vegetable, meat ball, beef, egg, crawfish(?) and other stuff I don’t rightly know what they are nor how to describe them. I think they were types of rice in a dough form or something. I don’t know but it was tasty! ^_^

As always, the Rotaract members were a pleasure to be around and I enjoy the time spent with them. I look forward to more Rotaract meetings and events! :D

Exiting the restaurant we came across a peculiar sight, one I have not seen in America or Spain. It was a gay parade. I should say, the meaning of ‘gay’ is not the ‘happy, cheerful’ version but rather the ‘homosexual’ version. Just to clarify. ;) I was not expecting to see something like that in Taiwan! What a strange surprise! But something that isn’t particularly PG rated was some people walking around in a minimum amount of clothing. Uh, not too fond of that. But I shan’t tread on the subject of the parade, except for pointing out one creative thing I hadn’t seen before. Do you know of the gay flag that is basically rainbow stripes? Well they took that flag and combined it with the Taiwan flag so the red part of the Taiwanese flag was rainbow stripes. Interesting but I’ll leave it at that. ;)

Meeting up with Mariko (from Colorado) we went to a yogurt shop called “Yogurt Art” to sit down, have a treat and to kill some time before our Rotary Halloween party. At that point I was dying from gravity from standing up for at least three hours in the same day with heavy bags and an aching back. Plus my tongue got slightly burned from lunch so cold refreshing yogurt was greatly prized. It was fun because I split my yogurt cup into three sections of the most basic and popular flavors: chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Though the true names at the shop were “cable car chocolate,” “strawberry” and “country vanilla.” Now, I have no idea what ‘cable car’ means but it tasted like regular chocolate. So yummy! And for a few seconds, the “country vanilla” made me feel as if I was sitting in a wooden rocking chair on a countryside porch in Louisiana. Oh it was wonderful! I nearly went for a second cup! XD FYI, the price system was based upon weight just like in America, if you’re curious :P

Next was to change into Halloween costumes! Since we couldn’t find a nearby restaurant to dash into the restroom, we had to go into the crowded MTR bathroom. Oh dear. Not only was it super busy but of course it created an opportunity for numerous people to stare at dressed up foreigners. And it was one thing to see foreigners in costumes, but it was a totally different thing to HEAR a foreigner dressed up. Who is the foreigner I’m referring to? … *points to self*

That’s right! I JINGLED! I jingled up a storm! The belly-dancing outfit Brittany lent me was the kind with the dangling coins that jingle as you move. So every step I took resounded a rattle of coins into the surrounding environment. Did I get a lot of stares? Of course! I won’t expect anything less. The worry in the back of my mind was running into some high-end Rotarians, teachers, classmates or even my husband (who apparently lives around the MTR station we had to meet at)! Nothing of the sort happened though. Phew! ^_^

I bet you want to see some pictures, am I right? ;) Ok but I warn you, I am not responsible if any of your eyes start bleeding from the sight of me. :P

First up is Mariko and I, both in belly-dancer outfits! Though Mariko looked a bit more like a flamenco dancer. XD Her mask and foofy feather was so pretty! It made my fingers itch to craft an inspired leather mask. :P Mariko also borrowed her costume from Brittany, thank goodness for her charity in lending us the clothing! The belt/sash Mariko had was just of soundless, swishy tassels. It was my belt/sash that was the most fun! Seriously, JINGLES PEOPLE! THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN! :D

Next is Mariko again with Brittany in her dancer outfit. Two great buds right here! :D

Onto the Rotary Halloween Party! It was basically broken up into two parts: costume contest and dance party, with food and drink on the side. The costume contest was each exchange student doing a catwalk to the judges, pose, then walk away and pose one last time. As per ususal, I was the first one to go because I’m always at the top of the list of fifty exchange students. ALWAYS! I seriously can’t figure out why because alphabetically of either name or country doesn’t quite fit the order. Regardless, I went up first and decided to go along with the theme of my costume. Andrea was belly dancing! XD Oh my gosh! According to Brittany whose been taking belly-dancing classes, I did a bang on job! She actually attacked me later because she got playfully angry that I so easily caught onto some belly-dancing moves that took her awhile to learn. Sorry Brittany. :P

So here’s most of the different exchange student costumes! :D

This dude, Zach from the USA, dressed up as a ‘skitsifrentic’ janitor. I have no idea how to spell that condition but I tried my best. XD He was so great throughout the night! Every single time a soda bottle exploded, which it did quite frequently, he would cutely rush to the mess and clean it up with his towel. If there was any trash on the floor, he would sweep it up. He also had a toilet plunger but I don’t think he went that far in his costume. XD What was really adorable was during the dance party where he continued to clean but did cute little dances at the same time. Major kudos to Zach!

Church buddies! :D From left to right we have, Will of The Netherlands, Elisabeth of Germany and Erin of Canada! Pirates vs. Ninjas, GO! I loved Will’s pirate outfit and it was hilarious what the ninjas used for facemasks. The black facemasks are the kind you use in Taiwan if you are sick or want to prevent catching any diseases. Seemed quite fitting since we’re in Taiwan! XD

This chica went the creative route and dressed normally with a sign that reads “Poor Exchange Student. Help me!!” The reason is our Rotary allowance really doesn’t allow any extra room to cover expenses like purchasing or renting a costume. For the Rotary Halloween Party it was required to have a costume but many students had trouble fitting it into their allowance. I am one of them. That’s why I’m just so thankful to Brittany for lending me such a fun and charming outfit for free!

Oh gosh! This guy played his character a little too well! With a rotting, bloody facemask, matching hands, a bloodstained shirt and a dead intimidating personality, I kept my distance from the zombie. XD He actually won first place in the costume contest. Good for him! He sure was scary enough!

美國人!(American!) Armed with an axe and killer mask, it was entertaining to watch him attempt to drink the beverage through the small holes. He wasn’t too successful. XD

Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. We have a Hungarian and German that are a little too confident with their bodies. XD I applauded the Germany (right one) for having “Oregon” printed on his cheerleading outfit. 美國! (America!) But it was only after going through my pictures that I noticed the Hungarian had “Clark” displayed on his padded chest. Yes, he padded it. Dear Lord help us all! XD But remember that my last name is “Clark.” So when I look at this picture, I am filled with pride in seeing it. Yet at the same time I am slightly disturbed. XD At least he’s wearing my family name with pride and poise. :P

Oh look, more guys with a large amount of self-esteem regarding their bodies. XD I just want to point out Zach in the back. He’s still going at his self-appointed cleaning duty! What dedication! Seriously, give this guy some physical Kudos candy bars!

A cute pumpkin, a dead zombie and a feminine Super Man. Interesting combo, no?

A Slovakian girl (left) and a Mexican chica (right). I’m not sure what they dressed as but they had cool make-up designs on their necks! Both are indeed very pretty!

Ninja time! Ninjas in heels no less! XD

Mariko and Mika! Mika is dressed in a traditional Korean outfit she rented. She’s so adorable in it! ^_^ And of course Mariko looks stunning as well!

Two Japanese girls dressed in traditional Chinese dresses. They’re so beautiful!

Next up, 兩個法國人! (Two French people) Yes, I’m having fun practicing typing in traditional Chinese characters! ^_^ The chico and chica don’t really match at all but they nonetheless had fun on the catwalk as the boy tried to leap into the girl’s arms. It ended in Luigi falling on his bum. XD

Rotex time! They are the ones who were in charge of the party as well as the costume contest judges.

AAAAAAAAH! Too scary! That mask is way creepy! Yet Mika is merrily laughing up a storm! Once the guy, Maxime from Belgium, noticed my slight squeamishness in regards to his costume/demeanor, he decided to use it against me. The outcome was me running/jingling away for dear life as he played a murderous psychopath a little too well. It was frightening I tell you!

Belly-dancing Andrea! Do I look the part? I sure felt like it! The jingles made me way too happy and eager to begin the dance party!

Group picture! Three dancers, one traditional Korean and a non-masked Belgian murderer. I think I prefer Maxime without his mask. ^_^

Realizing that the skirt I was wearing had a lot of cloth, the need to twirl around appeared and had to be fulfilled! ;D

One last picture of belly-dancing Andrea before the dance party started.

And on that subject, YEEEEEEEESSSSSSS! I’ve been craving to go out and dance! The songs played were all English except for one world famous Korean song that is played EVERYWHERE in Taiwan. “Gangnam Style,” anyone? I sorta wished they would’ve played some Korean pop songs since some are great dancing songs but sadly no. Ah heck, I’ll get my chance later. ;) Actually it might have been a good thing because it was difficult for me to pop dance in a belly-dancing outfit. When you’re in that sort of clothing, you tend to want to dance in the style that matches. And that’s just what I did! It was funny because some people actually thought I knew belly-dancing! Score! Point for Andrea! ;D The best part of wearing a jingle-jangle sash was performing a certain move of quickly shaking only your hips, causing an encore of rattling. When I did that move to match escalating parts of songs, I could always derive an amazed gasp from other peeps. It was WAY too much FUN! :D

When the last song played and I came across a man that I didn’t know, perhaps a Rotex or the DJ or something to do with being in charge of the party. Either way he made a quite amusing comment. He said that during the songs, he would listen for the jingling of my coin sash from across the room. Ahahaha! I didn’t know the jingling was that prominent! It just goes to show the power of hips equipped with dangling coins! >:D

And so ended an entertaining, delightful night of partying! I’m not going to lie, I actually am very interested in pursuing the art of the jingle-jangle hips! Not only is it ridiculously fun to rattle around the room but it is a terrific form of exercise as it triggers so many muscles! We’ll just have to see. ;)

Early Happy Halloween everybody! And with that, I bid y’all a fond farewell! Take care now! ^_^


  1. I think the schizophrenic janitor is more OCD than a hallucinating paranoid but whatever XD

  2. I love that belly dancer outfit!You look amazing in that blue ;)

    1. 謝謝你!(Thank you!) It was way too much fun to wear! Brittany (Australian exchange student) wants to take me to the shop where she got her belly dancing outfit. I...I might just have to get one myself. One that's loaded with jingle-jangles! XD

  3. Andrea I'm watching this tv show called Firefly right now and they curse and insult each other in Chinese. I NEED YOU! XD

    1. That sounds so interesting! Harsh but interesting! You'll have to show me when I come back to Texas! ;D Is Firefly any good? Or is it just cursing? Let's keep it fairly PG-13 now ;P

  4. Your costume is so pretty :)

    I like the over-confident-with-their-bodies guys. I laughed so hard when I saw their costumes (and felt slightly conflicted because they kinda pull them off in a wierd cross dressing sort of way).

    1. 謝謝你!(Thank you!) It was very kind of Brittany to lend it to me. She was lucky she got it back. ;P

      Yeah I know what you mean. I actually took some videos of the costume contest which mocked a catwalk. The male cheerleaders did pretty darn good in looking feminine. XD Twas a wee bit scary. :P
