Sunday, October 21, 2012

Asian Harry Potter & Fruit Milk

Wednesday October 17, 2012

First allow me to point out an intriguing sight on the MTR today. I saw what looked like to me, an Asian Harry Potter! No joke! I legitally thought Harry Potter changed races from British to Taiwanese and was riding the subway instead of his broomstick! Why? Well his outfit screamed ‘GRYFFINDOR!’ He looked like Harry Potter in the Sorcerer’s Stone with kaki pants, glasses and a red sweater with gold embroidering.   Then his hair had the same puffy style and color. Not too tall, not too short and with slimmer features, I’m happy to label the guy as an Asian Harry Potter. Also it allowed my brain to squeal and laugh a bit. :P

A stop by 7-Eleven resulted in yet another morning purchase of a banana. Slightly browned but it was the only one they had left. Better that than nothing! A real kicker happened later at school. To fill my hungry stomach, a triangle breakfast sandwich was also bought but the desire to try a new fruit milk existed within. So when the shop opened I armed myself with knowledge from yesterday’s mistake and asked for “mang guo NIU NAI.” I’M SO STUPID! For some reason I thought they had mango milk but NO! I forgot that my pinyin said “mua gua” (papaya) not “mang guo.” Mango only existed in smoothies not milk. -_-

Anywho, when the shopkeeper addressed the lack of “mang guo niu nai” he pointed out the other choices. Being able to at least read the characters of “xiang jiao niu nia” I ordered one cup of banana milk. This time I watched carefully at the concoction making process. From what I could tell there were three ingredients: (1) banana (2) milk (3) cream. I can only guess the third was cream because it came out from a machine and not a labeled carton like the milk did.

The taste test results? IT WAS DELICIOUS! CAN I HAVE MORE OF THESE FRUIT MILK THINGS?!! Not only are they scrumptious but it seems they are sorta healthy. Taking into consider that it was mainly fruit and milk with just a tad bit of cream, it shouldn’t be bad on the health scale. I think I was right when I guessed the sweetness comes from the fruit itself and not much of added sugar.

But on the subject of fruit, remember how I bought a banana this morning? Count with me. Hold one finger up for the 7-Eleven banana. Hold another finger up for the first part of the banana milk. Now hold up yet another finger for the second part of the banana milk. That’s three bananas total in one day! Holy crud, banana bombardment much? XD At least I got my fruit in for the day. :D

Do you recall my morning greeting to my new seat buddy from yesterday? Well I tried again today with the Chinese “zao an.” What did I get in return? Yet another couple second pause, a slight wave and a hint of a smile. BOOMSHAKALAKA!!! I AM SUCCESSFULLY INVADING HIS MIND! FEAR MY CHIPPER ATTITUDE AND FRIENDLY SMILE! >:D

The same guy poked at my caring side throughout the day because he kept coughing and sniffling with sickness. I kept wishing there was something I could do for him. But what to do was unknown? Umm, perhaps pelt orange juice at him? I don’t know how much he would appreciated being soaked in vitamin C. :P

Skipping to lunch, once again I ordered my beloved chicken & egg hamburger of deliciousness. I love the taste and I love the welcoming greeting a get from the employees who recognize me as a frequent customer. Why wouldn’t I want to go there? A classmate asked me why I kept getting the same order, which I explained it as being tasty and the only food name I really know how to say. As I’ve said before, drink menus I can read fairly well. Food menus…I would be starving if not for my single ability to order a chicken & egg hamburger. Not to mention that it’s one of the healthiest things I can find at school having protein of its main ingredients and a good inclusion of vegetables. But I can tell my classmate wants me to eat something else than a hamburger. XD

Finally! Today I brought my new school uniform jacket in curiosity to try it out. The problem was it still isn’t exactly cold in Taiwan yet. It’s more lukewarm with an occasional appearance of chilliness from blasting school fans. The jacket’s main purpose today was to act as a pillow during naptime to make my snoozle-time more enjoyable. Did it? NO. Not one bit. It doesn’t change the fact of being in a hunched over position, nor does it prevent making red imprints on my face and arms when done sleeping. Aaaaaaand both my legs and arms STILL COMPLETELY AND UNCOMFORTABLY KEEP FALLING ASLEEP! WHYYYYYYY?! SERIOUSLY! NO ME GUSTA! It’s so extreme that I can’t even move an inch when my mind starts to become conscious again. Not. Fun.

Unfortunately I missed the date to exchange uniform pieces for different sizes on Monday. What results is me wearing a large potato sack of a windbreaker. I know I’m a little bigger than the stick figures that exist in Asia but I really don’t need a size “L.” I would like to try an “M” or even “S.” The “L” jacket is about two times my size! When talking to a classmate she commented that her jacket size was also a size “L.” But when you look at her, it is smaller and more fitting! I don’t know what’s going on there but I’ll have to see if they have another uniform exchange later on. But I’m glad I at least have one of these cool looking jackets! :D

Waking up from naptime I was instantly hit with distress and guilt. With no way for me to be informed, the civics class moved from Friday to today. That means the weekly global news presentation. CRAP! I researched several stories already but didn’t prepare my speech yet! I felt so bad when I had to tell the teacher I didn’t have my presentation ready today. I wish there was a way I could be informed of such class schedule changes!

Leaving school, as always, I feel eyes at the back of my neck. Walking past a group of students I hear “Hi!” Turning around I merrily replied “Ni hao!” to the male student. And just from that exchange of words, the guy already said (in English), “It’s nice to meet you!” Of course enjoying the interaction, I replied the same phrase but in Chinese.  Once the guy started smiling in disbelief with his surrounding friends buzzing excitedly, I continued with “Ni jiao shen me ming zi?” (What is your name?) Whatever he said, it didn’t catch because it was too loud to hear him clearly. Nonetheless I responded with my own name. More excited buzzing among the 10+ people. Something-something happened and before I knew it, the guy speaking to me fled behind the crowd and dropped to the fetal position. Confused, I simply bid the crowd goodbye with “zai jian!” As I left the guy was still crouching with his hands over his head. How cute, he’s so shy! :P

One thing I’ve noticed at high school is that when a student(s) say an English greetings and I answer in Chinese, an amazed reaction results. This most likely comes from two reasons. One, they are surprised that I responded in the first place. Two, they are surprised that I responded in Chinese. So after greeting them in Chinese and walking past, behind me I hear “Waaaaaaah!” or “Woaaaaa!” XD It never gets old!

And now, my foreign self shall end this installment of sugary taffy. Peace out my friends! :D

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