Friday, October 26, 2012


Wednesday October 24, 2012

Today started off being a bright and sunny day with a pleasant morning feeling. I happily bought a banana at 7-Eleven and proceeded down to the subway. Previously I’ve always used the MTR card I bought myself but since it was nearly out of money, I decided to switch over to my student MTR card I received from Tatung. It really is a cool card because it has both the school’s logo and my face on it. Plus it was inside the beloved card protector I bought last Saturday so I doubly wanted to use it!

Going to one of the self-filling machines, I put 100NT on my card. I specifically heard the “successful transfer” and as always didn’t bother to print out a receipt because it takes too long and there’s no need for it. NOPE! NOPE NOPE NOPEDY NOPE NOPE! From now on I’m either asking for the receipt or just getting a live human to refill it. Why? Because the machine RIPPED ME OFF! Not a single NT was put onto my card! NOT ONE! Do you know what I could’ve bought with 100NT?! That could have covered 2-3 days of school lunch! ANGER! So I had to put yet another 100NT on my card. Grrrrrrr…Andrea does not like to be ripped off. She doesn’t like it at all! 歡!!

LOOKIE LOOKIE LOOKIE! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO TYPE IN CHINESE CHARACTERS! BOOMSHAKALAKA! Now THAT Andrea likes! :D (btw, I said “I don’t like”) So you’ll be seeing a bit more of the characters now and then. I’ll be good practice for me and maybe y’all might learn some stuff. ;)

Moving on, I ordered apple milk again at my high school’s teahouse. I am confused! Remember how I mentioned that the papaya milk was a smaller cup size than the banana and apple milk, all for the same price? Well that’s why I ordered apple again and not papaya. But for some reason the apple milk today was a small cup. Note: there is only one cup size and price for each beverage here. So…..what the heck happened? At least it was still as tasty as last time!

During Earth Science class we watched a ‘National Discovery’ program over how the brain perceives the outside world. It was quite fascinating and a bit gratifying since it was in English with Chinese character subtitles. I’ve been craving to learn something like this for a while now! Lately when my teacher’s give their individual lectures, I pay attention in hopes of comprehending what they are saying but to no avail. I really want to learn something on the side of studying Chinese right now, like biology or geography for example. Maybe the library at school would have something. I slightly doubt it because an exchange student said the English section was really limited. We’ll just have to find out later! ;)

Poor guy. Erik is super tired. This what the two of us usually look like during the breaks between classes. It’s hard to resist a small shut-eye time during break especially when a third of class does it as well. ;)

And here are some finished art projects of the thingie-ma-whats-it I talked about earlier with the carving stuff. The pictures had to be themed to do something with Tatung High School. The far left in the middle is a guy playing basketball and several others are the school’s mascot and school’s name. The second to the left and very bottom one is my desk buddy’s fancy flowerpot of prettiness. He really did a fantastic job with the shading and carving! Props to him! Ooh! I got another “Zao an” from him this morning! Muhahaha! >:D

Let’s see. What else happened today? I had lunch with Eric outside on the patio where not many students sit. I find that strange because it’s so pleasant outside rather than in the crowded noisy cafeteria or the classroom where we already spend our entire school day in. Erik is usually my patio buddy but since he’ll be leaving this Friday, I’ll have to drag out some fellow classmates to sit outside. :P 要! (“I want”)

The computer game animation class of “I-don’t-know-what-the-heck-is-going-on-nor-how-to-do-this” was spent either staring at the teacher’s screen or playing pinball. Remember that really old pinball game that seems to have existed since the beginning of time? I played that old dinosaur of a game and it is so much fun! It’s so satisfying to feel the pinball bouncing violently around racking up points for your score. 我喜歡!(“I like”)

In the evening I met up with Brittany at the library to plan out our make-up attack for Saturday. I’m not sure how the full ensemble of outfit, accessories and make-up will turn out but it’ll be fun nonetheless! And it’s a Halloween party after all so we have room for creativity! It’ll be interesting walking down the street in full costume! I don’t care what anyone says, I’m bringing a windbreaker to cover up my stomach until I reach the rest of the dressed up exchange students! I’m getting excited for this Saturday! :D

It’s hard to see but here’s the side of the library at night. I really don’t know how to take good pictures at night even with flash. But I thought to include the reference photo anyway even though it’s a little dark.

And again more battling photos in the dark but this one has lovely Brittany as the center of cuteness. I actually had to enhance this picture on my Mac to get it lighter. I hope you can sorta see it. XD

Tomorrow is our Chinese class Mid term exam! Ahhh! I’m a little nervous but not overwhelming so. Nonetheless, I do believe I need proper sleep and breakfast to accompany this test. That and I shall squeeze a bit more studying in before beddy-bye time. So if you’ll excuse me, ! (”Good bye!”)

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