Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You want me to wear WHAT?!

Monday October 22, 2012

And the weekday begins! Let’s get to it then!

University class was basically taking a speaking test and reviewing for our midterm test this Thursday. I can’t tell how difficult this Midterm will be but hopefully nothing too death-like. ;P The most interesting part about University today was trying on some clothing my friend Brittany lent me during break time. I was still having trouble figuring out a Halloween costume for the Rotary partying this Saturday. That’s when Brittany came to the rescue! She had an outfit that she gladly would let me borrow under one condition. The stipulation was for her to put on some make up that would match the ensemble. Oh snap! XD

Hmm? What’s that? You want to know what the costume is? Um…oh gosh. This is where I blush. Here’s a hint/teaser of a girl from Germany name Marieke holding up one part.

AAAAAAAAAAH! I have never ever worn these kinds of clothing before! Not once in my life can I ever remember exposing my stomach! Not even with swimsuits! It’s a little out of my comfort zone but hey, exchange students are supposed to cross over those comfort borders all the time. And, and, and, and the jingles! The jingles are so much fun! There’s no way you can’t derive a grin or two when shaking the jingling sash around. So…I’m going to be a belly dancer for Halloween. Lord help us all. XD But regardless, I have a free costume thanks to Brittany’s kindness! That’s one less stressful thing to not worry about! Next Saturday is going to really fascinating to see the other exchange students and their costume endeavors. Brittany is actually sewing her very own outfit, which is a cosplay of the Hetalia character of Taiwan. It’ll be an entertaining party for sure!

Some humor was found when I tried on the belly-dancing outfit. I had to be heavily coaxed to come out in an exposed belly shirt. Once I finally did, I declared the need to suck in my stomach because I deemed it pudgy. Brittany led me over to a mirror to observe how it looks on me. During the walk over to the mirror, I released my stomach just a little to give it a break. At the destination Brittany commanded me to stop sucking in my stomach in order to see how the outfit fits. I was like “Ok” and fully released it. She good humoredly frowned at me and said to hurry up, just stop sucking in and let my belly relax normally. I looked pathetically at her and said “this is normal for me.” I got a slap on the arm for that. :P It’s always good to reminded that a girl isn’t as big as she thinks she is, especially when in the skinny continent of Asia. XD

Trying to decide where to eat for lunch today, Mika (Japanese exchange student) and I both absolutely adored last Thursday’s visit to a nearby noodle shop. So we both longingly wanted to go back. Joined by Brittany, we did just that. :P

Several other exchange students also went to the same noodle shop. Here are just four of the ones that came. From left to right we have Germany, Germany, The Netherlands and Colorado, USA. All of these ladies are really nice and beautiful, no? ;)

Last Thursday Brittany ordered beef noodle soup in attempt to satisfy her craving of the famous Taiwanese dish but unfortunately the one she got was only beef in broth and not meat slices. Today was different. She got her beef meat. You can tell by the look on her face how extremely anxious and carnivorous she was feeling. XD

Look how cute Mika is here! Don’t you want to just cuddle that friendly smile? This picture also includes the inside joke of being served noodles. Last Saturday, if you recall, I went to a Japanese ramen shop and was found ogling at my friend’s ramen for a number of minutes when I had none in front of me. Again today I was the last one to get my noodles but thankfully I didn’t have such an extensive waiting period as last time since the order was correct this round. XD

The previous visit to this noodle shop on last Thursday, I ate ‘Pearl Wonton Noodle Soup.’ Still slightly craving wonton soup I tried the ‘Signature Wonton Noodle Soup.’ What was the difference? I have no idea! There was a physical difference in appearance with the wonton bits being green instead of last week’s white color. Also there wasn’t those long white vegetable things in the dish. But the taste of the broth and wonton itself didn’t really have a significant difference. What does this mean? It means it was DELICIOUS! :D Gosh darn this stuff is so tasty!

TRANSITION TO HIGH SCHOOL! The culture exchange today was over society. Oh dear. My Chinese was basically worthless over this subject because the vocabulary is a lot more difficult. But we at least were able to accomplish some stuff in the end. At one point they asked about some legends in America. My example was Johnny Appleseed but the one I really wanted to describe was the baby boy that grew into a giant and had a huge blue cow. When a river was blocked by an extensive dam, the man used the cow to get rid of the blockage. Someone please tell me the legend’s name because I cannot remember it and it is nagging at my mind! I couldn’t tell my classmates in time but at least I might be able to include it in my report.

Fin! I hope you derived some pleasure from this Taffy. Have a nice day! ^_^


  1. It's Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox (it was one of my favorite stories in 3rd grade XD)

  2. That's what it was! Thank you for telling me! :D
