Friday, October 26, 2012

Purple Rice? Stale Birthday Rice?

Tuesday October 23, 2012

There’s been a food that I’ve had my eye on for a while that resides in 7-Eleven. I’m happy to say that I finally did let my taste buds greet the mentioned item. It was a cereal-to-go type cup with the milk on the bottom and cereal on top. Was it any good? Yeah, it wasn’t bad. I think they could’ve included more cereal but all of it was still good. And of course, for a balanced meal an apple accompanied the cup. You can’t go wrong with an apple’s nutrition and yumminess! ;)

I continued my developing habit of buying a tasty drink during mornings at Tatung high school. Today was the banana milk again because it’s just so delicious! And just for a reference picture, on the right we have the banana milk and on the left we have the water thermos I bring to school. This was one of the two thermoses was given to me by a Rotarian during the very beginning of my exchange. I quite love it! ^_^

Culture exchange presentation day! First up was my group with society. Somehow the subject went from society to food. Sure nothing’s wrong with that but I’m actually doing the topic of ‘Food and Restaurant’ next week. XD So the class got a sneak peek of Tex-Mex food today with the examples of ‘Taco, Burrito, Salsa and chips, Enchiladas.’ :P

Muah asking a question to the class. Even though I said my question in Chinese and simply inquired for raising your hand as an answer, the class was still very shy and I had to coax a single person out for a reply. Twas a funny struggle XD

Here’s the representative of Eric’s group over the subject of ‘Transportation.’

And here’s the actual Eric! It’s a little sad because that was his last culture presentation since he’ll be leaving for Sweden this Friday. Let’s all wish him a safe flight.

On that note, I asked Eric to lunch today since our time together is almost gone. I’ll miss him but for now I’m just savoring our last few moments together. He’s a good friend as both of us will listen to the others problems.

Anywho, we both went to the buffet line for food. I should outline one fact in Taiwan. These buffets are not ‘all you can eat.’ You grab either a plate or a to-go-box and load as much food as you want in them. But the more food you load, the more you pay. As of yet, I have not seen an ‘all you can eat buffet’ in Taiwan. But every time I hear ‘buffet,’ I can’t help but think of the ‘all you can eat buffets’ in America. XD

A difficult part about the buffets are that you never ever know which food will be tasty or not or even what the food is in general. So I took several gambles and just went for it!

Thanks to help from Eric, he identified one piece of meat as chicken, which was heartedly accepted inside my box. Chicken and fish look very similar in the buffet, making it difficult to get whichever meat I crave at the particular moment. The chicken patty today had the same problem I’ve faced with buffet line fish before. It is just too heavily peppered up, something I’m not too fond of.

Another gamble was within the rice choice. There were two kinds of wrapped up rice available. One was clearly white rice with the other being a darker color. Not sure what the darker color was, I took a chance and just grabbed one. To my surprise it was a shade of purple! PURPLE?! Woah! I’ve never seen that before! It had little bits of what looked like grains so I can only guess that it isn’t bad for one’s health. But what kind of rice is purple? A pretty kind, that’s what! ;P

The most interesting buffet gamble of them all today was what I like to refer to as ‘Stale Birthday Rice.’ Now from what I can tell, the substance was either potato or rice. But since the consistency looked like rice grains clumped together, I’m going with dubbing it as rice. On top of this clump of rice sits bright colorful sprinkles. Sprinkles. SPRINKLES?! WHAT?! XD The entire reason I picked up on of these clusters at the buffet line was solely because of the sprinkles. :P It really did make it look like a birthday rice dish! The taste though was like this…CRUNCH! CRUNCH….Crunch….CRUNCHCRUNCHCRUNCH! CRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH! Oh my gosh this thing was so rigid! Whatever the food was, it chewed like two-month-old stale rice. I wouldn’t particularly desire it for my birthday even with the sprinkles. XD

During lunch, Eric taught me the Swedish word for ‘good.’ When he first said it, it sounded like a cooler version of ‘bro’ with a slight tongue rolling. I pointed this fact out to him, which he found humor in but corrected me with a closer similarity to the Swedish word. It’s embarrassing but the word was ‘bra.’ Yeah, if you want to say something is good in Swedish, talk of ladies’ underwear. XD

Today in art class was the continuation of our previous work. Today consisted of carving into the board to outline the lines of my drawing. Oh…my…gosh… It’s so difficult! My drawing is of fine, straight lines, which is  A NIGHTMARE to carve! At once point I just said ‘whatever’ and stopped being a perfectionist, just trying to finish with as little stress as possible. I got slightly intimidated because my desk buddy is an actual artist and he carved a beautiful artistic flowerpot picture. Mine sucks so badly when put next to his. XD

Speaking of my desk buddy, once again I said “zao an” (good morning) when seeing him this morning. Guess what?! Historic moment! He said good morning back! What progress! :D Yeah I know it might seem stupid to get excited about but I like the advancement in interaction. ^_^

As a half report and half happy time, I did get the time to listen to the ‘Meditations of Cello’ CD I mentioned on Sunday! Played by various artists, each track has one cello and one accompanying piano. I can’t recognize any songs as hymns or anything but I sure LOVE hearing gorgeous new sounds from my beloved instrument. That rich sound! Those vibrating strings! The bow being pulled and pushed so smoothly! It both satisfies my ears and makes my hands long for a cello’s touch. Hopefully I can play its gloriousness again but for now, this CD makes me super blissful. ^_^

I wish all of y’all a pleasant day! Until next time! Andrea out!

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