Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sleepy-time and New Uniforms

Tuesday October 9, 2012

When I awoke, I checked the table outside my room to see if my host family set out anything for breakfast yet. There I found a single juice box of milk. A little confused, a hungry Andrea downed the milk easily and wondered if I would be given anything else to eat. Much to my relief, my host father woke up later and prepared some bread with the same sugary juice box of milk as yesterday (different from the one earlier the same morning). Half of the bread was in a sliced toast form, which allowed the delicious spreading of jam over it. The other half of breakfast was a small bun with raisins or something of the sort in the bread. Both kinds of bread were gratefully accepted into my growling stomach along with more calcium.

Desiring something other than just bread for breakfast, I stopped by a convenient store to purchase some healthy fruit. Much to my surprise, I made a new discovery in the 7-Eleven close to my house. Beforehand I only knew of sliced fruit packages ranging from papaya, guava and assorted as well as bananas at the 7-Eleven at the University. Today I found sliced pineapple in a preservative can (yet still in the refrigerated section for some reason). SCORE! I LOVE PINEAPPLE! I know my Texan family is snickering at the irony but it’s true. :P Pineapple is delicious! It’s scrumptious reputation continued with the preservative can I bought today. Goodness it was sooooooo yummy. Only $3NT cheaper than the fruit packages, I’m not yet sure which option is healthier or has the most value. But I do enjoy the fact that I could probably buy several of those pineapple cans at once and store them for a rainy day when I’m hungry and can’t go out to a 7-Eleven. I might just do that!

Since the big exam is coming up for the students, my classmates were pretty darn tired. Several of my classes today allowed half the period to let the students either study or sleep. When nearly all the class was sleeping, I happily joined them in slumber. This made at least a fifth of the school day just sleepy-time! Oh how wonderful! Yes, I’m still tired and recuperating from this weekend.

For lunch I avoided ordering the same delicious chicken, egg burger I’ve gotten twice before and tried something new with my classmates. It can be described as a self-made ramen shop. First you must grab a small basket and tongs. Next you grab any ingredients you would like to put into your ramen. Each ingredient is priced differently ranging from $5-$10NT. Then the employees will slice the food and boil everything. It is similar to the dinner I tried two Saturdays ago at a night market but this time with definite prices on each ingredient that allowed me to accurately gauge how much it would cost me. The ingredients I chose were:
-Something that looked tasty…perhaps it was made of rice…?
-Mushroom cluster
-Vegetable Leaf of some sort
-Regular ramen noodles

The employees working at the stand will then write your student ID number on the bowl to distinguish them. Unfortunately I don’t have a student ID number so the lady settled on calling me “A.” Oh if only she knew the hilarity that ‘A’ was the first letter of my English name! XD

The final result of the meal was tasty but nothing fantastic. I think the broth set me off a bit with a heavy, oil taste. I’m happy to have tried it and don’t regret it at all but I’m not going to run desperately back there as soon as I can. One reason I was inclined to try it specifically today was because on Friday a classmate asked why I didn’t like rice. I can only assume she asked that because I was eating a hamburger instead of rice. Wanting to show her that I’m not isolating myself to only western food, I joined her in ordering the same lunch today.

After naptime (loved it) it was time for military education class. Hooray for today! The military officer/teacher/person didn’t have us go outside like we usually do for drills of some sort. Instead the class became a study period for the upcoming exam but no sleepy time. I didn’t mind not doing the usual drills because my lower back right leg has been hurting up a storm randomly today. Sometimes I was forced to limp a bit from the pain surging through a muscle that is difficult to massage. Not a happy time. I wonder where and when the soreness came from. O.o Strange…

SURPRISE SURPRISE! A wish of mine came true! My classmates have a windbreaker type jacket that is part of the uniform available at Tatung High School. It looks pretty darn cool and I love the school’s symbol and name printed on the chest. Since I didn’t receive the jacket in my uniform bag (All I got was 3 sets of P.E. uniforms) I had inquired what the cost would be to purchase one myself for both winter and souvenir reasons. A lady just told me it would be too expensive and the matter was dropped. But HAPPY DAY! The exchange students were given some Tatung winter uniforms today! Inside was two long sleeve shirts aaaaaand THE JACKET OF COOLNESS! YEEEEEEEEES! I AM HAPPY! :D

Two exchange students received black sweaters and vests in their uniform bag. Confused why the rest of us didn’t get that, we talked to our supervisor “Bai Lao Shi” about the matter. Apparently she made a mistake when writing the uniform order down for us and accidently checked some extra boxes for two girls. It just was so funny because a couple girls who didn’t get the sweater and vest were jealous of the other girls. It came to the point where they were asking the price that they would need to pay for the uniforms. XD So we were given the option and prices of the sweater and vest if we desired to buy but frankly I’m not sure if I should or not. It all depends on how cold the winter gets for Taiwan, which I have yet to experience. So far I still have times were it’s hot enough to break out in sweat. Yucky!

Tonight was a needed visit to the library for work. Much to my disappointment, I didn’t even get half way done with that I wanted to do. That’s what happens when stuff piles up after several days without Internet. Fun stuff. Today I learned that the library closes at 9:00PM and had to leave anyway to make it home before my curfew. But what was new to me was the way the library closed. On the loud speaker, a classical song would play to signal the need to leave the building. What a way to close up shop! I wanted to stay and listen to the song. XD It makes me wonder how the library closes back in Texas. Anyone know?

Oh goodness I suddenly got very tired. Time to wrap up this Taffy. Whoo, just in time to! Please excuse me as I become unconscious. Good night. ^_^

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