Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Rotary Biking Trip!

Saturday October 20, 2012

WHOO! EXERCISE!! WO XI HUAN!!!! (I LIKE!!!!) Today was our Rotary District’s Biking Tour around the area of Fulong. AH! HOW WONDERFUL! Let us begin with the morning though, shall we?

Breakfast was a delicious and nutritious pineapple and apple combo, which was later added on to with a not so nutritious Mr. Brown brand of “Blue Mountain Blend Coffee” in a can. Twas refrigerated and SO TASTY! I really don’t know what the heck ‘blue mountain’ flavor is but I sure liked it! I…I might need to buy one now and then… in case of sleepy days…what?! A chica gets tired once in a while okay! In taking a bit of caffeine is better than not being focused at University. :P

Anywho, our pretty large group of fifty exchange students and accompanying Rotarians met first at a train station.  In this picture you just see a portion of the hoard of people. XD Yes, all the exchange students wore our blue Taiwan Rotary T-shirts. Makes us stick out pretty well huh? Pfft! It’s not like we don’t already stick out being foreigners! Let’s throw in some matching T-shirts that actually are very comfortable with a cool design. You like? I know I do! ^_^

The train was PACKED! An hour and twenty minutes approximately was passed being cramped in this condition. Now the ‘packed’ part refers more to the seats but still the standing area didn’t have much free space. Oh and just for reference, this train picture looks very similar to the inside of the subway in Taipei. There are some differences but if you’re just dying to know what the MTR looks like (is anyone? I doubt it XD), this picture is fairly similar in comparison.

Our carriages await us! Look at the sheer number of neatly lined up bicycles! It looked so cool! The bikes themselves were very nice, having comfortable seats and good brakes. The helmets were a little big for several people, me being one of them, so it liked to shift back and forth. But it did its job and no concussions were given. It’s all good! :D Helmet hair was bestowed upon some heads but that’s not a dire problem that demands any attention to. XD

First were some protocols of reviewing the rules, adjusting your bike seat, followed by some stretching exercises. AND OFF WE WENT! The pace that was set was not difficult and it allowed a pleasant biking experience. We stopped several times, maybe five or so in one direction, for pictures and snacks. One stop was our life force of lunch, which was extremely appreciated among the hungry bikers. There was no way you could be hungry or thirsty on the trip. It was a very well organized biking trip with plenty of provisions for whatever need had to be fulfilled.

I just noticed while writing, this Taffy is very sporadic in nature. It’s because today is very challenging to write in detail and I am very worn out in both mind and body currently, making this a very hard Taffy to write. Just work with me please. ;) I shall try my best to report the amazing time I had today!

Let’s just continue with some pictures and captions shall we?

Three of my group members! Holla! We (eight of us total) were group number one and had the honor of being in the front. Is it an honor? I don’t know. It was fun!

After going through a tunnel of coolness and thrills, our first stop was a viewing point for what is referred to as “Turtle Island.” OH! The water was gorgeous! It graced the Turtle Island with an engulfment of shimmers and sparkles. A girl and I joked that we should swim over to the island one time. But the fear of what lay in the water stopped our thoughts from drifting too far. Apparently there are a fair number of whales in Taiwanese waters. That’s what I’ve heard anyway but have yet to determine its truth. Later. ;P

Our first snack rest stop! BIKES GALORE! The car on the lower right was the haven of food. (More on the selection later) This area had a beautiful view of the scenery of both the ocean and mountains. Before I knew it, Group 1 was being called to start biking again so this photo was rapidly taken in a rush. Hence, not my best work in capturing a landscape’s beauty. But I’m sure you can imagine the basic idea of how wonderful it was. Just look at that vivacious green color in the mountains! AMAZING!

Lunchtime! We were provided with a bento box of rice, meat, egg, vegetables and a stick of meat on the side. For snacks at the rest stops, things such as fruit, drinks and sweets were available. Such things included apples, bananas, wax apples for fruit. Drinks varied from water, soda and an Asian version of Gatorade. Sweets were pineapple cake (little squares like what I made at the pastry museum a week ago), small rectangles of cream with nuts and chocolate balls. Unfortunately the chocolate balls melted and turned what was more like chocolate paste. It was messy for sure…but soooooooooooooooo *breathes in* oooooooo YUMMY!

Look everyone! It’s the golden gate bridge! With…Chinese characters written on it. XD This was yet another rest stop and called for picture time!

The leaders of Group 1! On the left, the chica from the Netherlands acted as assistant leader with the chico on the right from France being the head leader. Both great people and a blast to be around! Say hi everybody! :D

At the furthest point of our biking tour, we came across this scrawny dog that tugged at our heartstrings. Some exchange students carefully threw the dog some food scraps from bread to a full stick of meat. Of course, we didn’t pet the dog knowing the danger of diseases and such but we still helped him out as best we could. Suggesting we should name him, I offered up the title ‘Simba’. The name was nearly accepted until I proposed that he looked like a combination of Simba and Timon (from ‘The Lion King”). Hence we agreed to grant the mutant name ‘Simon.’ But once realizing the dog’s gender was a girl, it changed to ‘Simona.’ Doesn’t it fit the poor thing? I hope sweet Simona will be alright!

This was nearly all of Group 1, save for one boy and one girl that wasn’t went us at the time of the photo. We are happy lot are we not? ;)

BICYCLE STAMPEDE UNDER WAY!!! The girl next to me and the boy directly behind were the other two Group 1 members btw.

Andrea is very content here so much so that I didn’t notice a camera to the side of me. The biking route just fully captured my attention!

Our entire Rotary Biking Tour group at the Golden Gate Bridge! ;P

The other photo of our whole Rotary Biking Tour group! Notable things are firstly the crazy planker in our company. He’s planking on hot, dirty cement face first! That’s brave and so wild! For those who don’t know, planking is acting just like what the name encompasses, a plank. So just turn your body into a stiff, horizontal form and ‘plank’ in strange places. A Rotary event is for sure a strange place to do so but everyone got a laugh out this guy’s cement face planting! In this picture, I wish you luck distinguishing which one is me. Even I can barely tell that I am myself! Here’s a hint: the sun was killing me. Good luck! ;)

Brittany & Andrea Smile Time!

I would have taken more pictures of the actual biking route but I was too deathly afraid of accidently dropping my camera. If anything happened to the brand new camera, I might faint. XD So I’m sorry there aren’t any more scenery photos! Several beautiful Chinese temples lined our route, topped with colorful, fierce dragons. Oh! How I wish I could’ve captured a shot or two. Next time! ;)

Knowing the danger of the sun, I was sure to put on special zinc oxide sunscreen to protect my overly sensitive skin before the trip. But at the very first stop I already felt my cheeks starting to burn. CRAP! So every single stop, and I do mean every single stop, I kept reapplying more and more sunscreen. The most care was put towards my already painful cheeks but I was sure to get at other exposed skin. When I observe my skin currently, I think I saved my face from getting sunburn but I think my freckles are getting darker and more condensed. Then again, that may just be my imagination. What did get slightly sunburn was my back neck and a small part of my hand. So…success? Success-ish. XD

The purple backpack I purchased did a fantastic job! I’m growing more and more attached to it! Originally in the morning it was very light. At the end, it was getting so heavy! Why? Not for the reason of getting tired but because the exchange students were generously offered the leftover snacks at the end of the trip. So I grabbed a bottle of water, three small cream/nut rectangles and not one, but TWO apples! Oh I am so happy! Seriously. Just give me an apple and I will shower you in thanks! I love those things! I’m very grateful for Rotary’s kindness in providing such tender care to the student’s food needs. There was no way you could go thirsty or hungry!

I admit I had a great deal of trouble during bits of the actual biking. The route we took was hugging the coast line (BEAUTIFUL!) and was not flat at all! So this meant having rushing adrenaline slopes of downhill wonderfulness but also thigh killing upward steep death inclines. During a couple of pedaling up, I had to physically stop, walk my bike and cycle like heck in order to catch up to my group as the breezed up the slope. How the heck was I not able to keep up? I found during one break. See, I just stayed on sixth gear the good first quarter of the biking trip. I learned that you DO NOT go uphill on sixth gear. It is extremely hard! Instead I needed to switch to third gear. With this new knowledge, the biking tour got a lot friendlier to my thighs. XD

Strangely enough, the feel of my leg muscles being worked through cycling was tremendously gratifying! I just love that feeling! It’s the good type of pain that triggers the mindset of ‘yes, this is right.’ Want to know an even greater feeling?

Combine the ingredients of the fresh open air, sweet scent of the sea, wind swooshing through your hair and clothing, invigorating exercise and magnificent scenery of both lush mountains and animated ocean waters, you can make an unforgettable, scrumptious dessert of a biking tour. If you can’t tell already, I LOVED the biking today and full heartedly desire to do it again!

At the end of our bike ride, exchange students flooded a nearby soft-serve ice cream shop. A Rotarian I barely knew was so kind as he bought several of the students some ice cream. This just goes to show proof that the saying ‘Taiwanese people are the friendliest” does indeed have truth in it! And I admit, I’ve been craving an ice cream cone for a good month or so. XD So I was very joyful indeed and thanked the big-hearted man.

The day of already wonderfulness was extended with a trip to Ximen with three friends, Brittany, Mariko and Miko. The first two listed buddies and I went to Ximen before (think of waffles and you might remember ;P) but Mika (sweetheart from Japan) joined us today! Before the biking group dispersed, I should note that we had to ride the train back once again to our original starting place. So that was another approximate hour and a half of purely standing. Needless to say, our feet were really starting to get stiff and sore.

So our first task was to find some dinner in order to just sit down and rest. We needed a break from fighting against gravity. XD After not finding a desired dumpling shop, the four of us settled on an authentic ramen shop Brittany had previously eaten at before. Not only was it filled with hungry customers but many people, employees included, were Japanese. A good sign indeed! There was a slight mess up on ordering as I ended up staring at three delicious looking ramen bowls, which none were in front of me. Mika and I wanted the same dish but I guess “two” wasn’t caught for the dish. No biggie of course as we easily redeemed the matter with ordering a second time.

The dish in question was a miso ramen selection. OH MY GOSH IT WAS WORTH WAITING FOR! It’s not as visually pleasing as Brittany’s or Mariko’s but boy was it tasty! The broth was the absolute best, warming the chest in a comforting embrace. The corn included in the soup was what would be the icing on the cake, becoming a part of a perfect bite of noodle, soup and corn. DELICIOUS!

Here we have Brittany loving on her food with Mariko photo bombing in the background. These are two of my delightful peeps!

And of course Mika is included as a charming peep! She tore through her ramen the fastest by far. I guess she missed the ramen back in Japan. XD

Afterwards we all made a quick stop to a drink shop. I purchased a cup of honey milk tea. It basically was bubble tea without the tapioca and an added taste of honey. YUMMY BEYOUND BELIEF! If you ever get the chance to sample the beverage, TAKE IT! ;D

The highlight of our Ximen experience tonight was an extensive visit to the anime shop we previously went to before. I think Mika was very happy to be surrounded by Japanese stuff. She happily browsed around with an adorable smile. It was so nice that she enjoyed her time in our little group. We fled now and then to her when we couldn’t understand something in Japanese writing. She was our ‘sensei!’ XD

Ever since my last/only previous visit to Ximen, I regretted not buying two things. First, a card protector for my MTR card. Our high schools provide us with a personalized student MTR card with our photo and school logo on it. It’s very cool and I would be devastated if anything happened to it, hence the want of a protector. Second, I really, reeeeeeeeeally wanted a pillow I saw. The way I’ve slept for the past year+ is cuddling myself to la-la-land. In America, I had a large bunny stuffed animal of adorableness to be my night companion. Here in Taiwan I don’t have my dear bunny. So for the past two months (today was my two-month anniversary in Taiwan. WOW! TIME FLIES!) I’ve been snuggling a purple neck pillow that saved me during the plane flight. Not as gratifying as a bunny. So I desired to purchase a larger cuddle partner in hopes of improving my sleep.

What better companion than a dual pillow from my all-time favorite show/movie/game/fantasy world. And not just a simple pillow, but a really good quality piece of plushy-ness! It’s seriously addicting to cuddle. That’s not just my opinion either, but shared between my buds. So YAY! I successfully purchased the two items and am currently in merry bliss. Would you like to see the mentioned beloved products?

STUNNING! EXQUISITE! LOVELY! Don’t be fooled by the pictures! I may be bogged down from tiredness but I am 100% THRILLED to own these marvelous things! Just to clarify, I only bought one pillow. It just has two different sides of foil characters of awesomeness.

Commentary on the blue side, I am mimicking the ‘Dragon of Oshu’ with having an eye patch over my right eye. The pillow is a little big for such a small area to cover but I think it still is a great accessory to wear! XD Note the tiny bit of Engrish on the pillow of “You see?” It’s a famous, famous quote of the character who has a knack for spouting out random Engrish. For any one whose seen the show/has this guy as their favorite character, I just know you have a smile extending from ear to ear. I know I do! XD

Red side! Obviously you can tell which is the pillow and which is the card protector. Both are of the same character because there wasn’t a dual sided card protector and I can’t afford two separate protectors. I am so looking forward to having a cuddle test tonight! It shall be momentarily in fact! WHOOHOO!

But I think that’s all for now. Is it? I don’t know. I’m so tired! Before I pass out, I wish you all a good night/day! See you next time! :D


  1. YES! The pillow is amazing!! Colleen and Kate would fight over who gets the blue side XD

  2. I WANT THAT PIILLOW!!!! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!! I am very jealous, if you were wondering ;)

  3. Woah there Katie! I thought your favorite was Kojuro! Did your bias change? XD And you know guys...there's one left at the store. :P But whatever happens, DON'T YOU EVER DARE TRY AND TAKE MY PILLOW!! ....(I have to) * deep one eyed dragon voice* You see? ;P
