Monday, September 17, 2012

Camping & Moon Cake

Just a quick extra from last night, here's more of that oriental grapefruit, at least what was left. XD So here you can see the texture of the inside with the white inedible part. Almost like the white part of an orange.

My host father joked that the fruit could be worn as a hat. So of course I had to try it out...What? I had to. :P Even Larry used it as a hat for his toys.

Now is the time for you to FINALLY see my BRIGHT ORANGE uniform! Isn't it gorgeous?! I love it in all it's colorfulness and comfortableness! Remember, this is the P.E. uniform, not the formal uniform. We exchange students only receive the P.E. uniform.

FYI, Tatung is the name of my high school :) Moving on to today's events, I got violently attacked by hiccups from heck. For several hours straight, I battled hiccups which was a terrible combo with my stomachache. I bet I looked as if I had a nervous condition because a kept twitching from the hiccups. My classmates must have thought some interesting things. XD
The last class period was P.E. which I have been looking forward to for two weeks! I only attend P.E. on Monday afternoon but last week it was cancelled so I had only been in P.E. once. I've been so ready to do our running lap for two weeks that when it was finally time, I just bolted into a sprint past my classmates. IT FELT SO GOOD RUNNING! And the best part was, I didn't even break a sweat! It's been getting cooler in Taiwan so I'm not sweating from the heat all the time like I previously was. That has been lovely because I'm not a fan of sweating, nor is my nose. The subway can sometimes be smelly when people get hot from the sun and have to be smushed against each other. Bleh.

 My home teacher set up a time after school Monday for several students and I to get together and discuss a topic over culture differences between Taiwan and USA. Today was "Outdoor Activities." The main thing I learned was that people in Taiwan don't really partake in outdoor activities, save for a junior school field trip of camping for 3 days. Also America has many more opportunities for outdoor activities which makes sense because it has so much more land and different landscapes.
 I described my experiences camping in America to them and had great difficulty explaining what a S'more was. I was able to show them what an elk song was because with great luck I had a track on my iPod that contained a call. Booya! I laughed when a girl asked me if there were any werewolves in America. That's when I explained we had wolves but no Twilight Jacobs wandering the wild. XD
 For dessert tonight I tried out a moon cake that my family brought home. Twas very delicious with I guess was a bean filling. It was green in color so I don't think it was taro but I don't know what it would be. There are several other types of moon cakes at my house but I only tried one tonight. They'll be a new one tomorrow but more now, enjoy my photography of its yumminess. :)

And with that, this Moon Cake Taffy is fin! Hope you liked this installment! :)

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