Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sandwich love

This Taffy will  have to be speed-written so I'm sorry if something doesn't make sense or English turns into Engrish.

BREAKFAST! I took a picture this time because breakfast was more than a couple of croissants. This time my host father set out a croissant, yogurt, pineapple mooncake and a cup of some yogurt-milk drink. I think my favorite part is the yogurt which is just plain vanilla flavor. But it's the closest thing I have to my daily intake of Activia yogurt when I was in Texas, so it makes Andrea happy. :) At university my breakfast was extended with a lovely assortment of fruit, bought at 7-Eleven. Dang-nab-it I forgot to take a picture but I was preoccupied with studying and the stares I got from other people. :P Something weird though, when I consumed the orange slice that was in the fruit basket, my lips had a huge reaction. Within minutes, they became cherry red and my whole mouth burned from the acid. Not sure why this happened as I've eaten the same fruit basket before with no problem. Thankfully it lasted only about ten minutes after dabbing it with water but it sure was painful as heck as a burning feeling dominated that area.

Feel up for a picture of our new Mandarin classroom? We changed from one room to two separate rooms for Monday and Thursday respectively. This is our Thursday room which I think I prefer over the Monday room because it is bigger and has more space. Plus I nabbed a seat close to the front so it will help me hear and see the teacher better. The lessons are still quite enjoyable and help a lot with Chinese in different aspects. It mainly helps me with learning sentences like "What is your name?" and "Which country are you from?" Slowly but surely I am making progress. Yay!
LUNCH! For the previous three or so university lunches, I went to the buffet line that determines the cost based on the tray's weight. I have not been good at predicting what my food will cost and end up paying more than I would like (only by $1-20NT) So instead I tried out a sandwich shop that would have a solid prices that I could ponder over. I settled for the cheapest but also yummy and healthy looking 'san ming zhi' (sandwich) combo that came with an unknown drink. Of course Andrea ordered in Chinese which she is proud of. ^_^

C'here is the contents of the sandwich's innards. A fried egg, cheese, and what looks like cucumber slices and meat of some sort. Even though it's white bread and not wheat, I think this isn't bad on the health-meter. I hope so because this thing was DELICIOUS! HOLY CRUD I LOVE TAIWANESE SANDWICHES! In Texas, I didn't eat sandwiches often at all but in Taiwan I find myself craving them like heck. Also they end up being a lot more satisfying than the buffet line option. If you look in the above picture at the top right, you can see my friend's tray from the buffet. It's basically I bunch of random things from meat to vegetables to tofu, accompanied with a bowl of rice if you want to pay $5NT more. The food is quite tasty but I find I'm not satisfied by eating only small bits of many unknown foods. Don't get me wrong, I like the buffet food but I think I really just needed a sandwich today.

 The drink that came with the combo ended up being a very yummy milk tea. It was cool to have just plain milk tea instead of bubble (milk) tea. It wasn't too sugary so it's not a drink that will make you gain four pounds afterwards, but it was still delicious. If you can't tell already, I really reeeeeally loved this lunch and probably will flock to that same sandwich shop next university lunch. My tastebuds already have started craving it from just typing about it. XD Random note, for some reason I really love this picture of the milk tea. I think it's the camera angle of artsy-fartsy-ness but I hope you enjoy it too. ;)

 I give you *drum roll* the kawaii ('cute' in Japanese) exchange student from Japan! I was a camera ninja and captured this priceless expression.
 Want an Australian? Well you shall have an Australian! If you recall, this is the same chica from last Saturday that took me to some places in Ximen. This picture is also the work of Andrea, the ultimate camera ninja. Fear me! ...actually it's more like fear my wonderful camera but regardless...FEAR ME! >:D
No! I was late for naptime by 3 minutes! I didn't catch the subway in time and had to wait for awhile until the next one came. It didn't interfere with my naptime much at all but I still don't like to miss a single minute of dark, calm peacefulness. Unfortunately today I didn't sleep well at all. It's still quite refreshing to just close one's eyes and think about bygones (I hope I'm using that word correctly :P).

After awaking from roughly a short 10 minutes of sleep, I found a paper in my desk. From what I could tell it was an English test. Curious to try it out, I blazed through the brain-dead questions as it was a piece of cake for a native English speaker. Not even a piece of cake but more like the entire cake of sweetness. I just wanted to point out some things. I don't know about you, but I would use the dragon to lift heavy containers. Also I would enjoy watching the giraffes perform tricks in the ocean park. That would be super entertaining especially if they swam! Lastly, who wouldn't feel delicious after riding on the merry-go-round. If you rode in a cupcake, you would feel uber delicious afterwards! Just saying...

FLAGS OF AWESOMENESS! This new classroom decoration was a lovely surprise after waking up from the nap time. I absolutely adore the different countries' flags so I love this addition to the classroom. As you can see, Taiwan, Sweden and Texas are the most frequent since those are the nationalities in the room. I clued in my friends that the Texan flag would be light years easier than making the American flag of complicatedness. There is actually one American flag, but only one since it was tiresome to punch out 50 stars and cut out 13 stripes. XD I think several flags are made up designs because some I don't recognize at all. The wall is beautiful nonetheless! Wo xi huan! (I like it!)

As you might have noticed, I included some Chinese in my post because I wish to both practice and expose y'all to it. Yes I still say 'yall'. I'm from Texas, give me a break XD But yes, hopefully I'll insert the character form of the word instead of the pinyin but that will come in time. What I do plan on doing is something I would like to refer to as "Supplement Sunday." After a full week of nothing but sweet, sugary Taffy, I want to educate y'all with some healthy knowledge. What I mean by that is providing pictures and information of things like my house, school, the local area, etc. When I run out of things to talk about, I can answer any questions y'all have or fulfill a request of a certain place/thing (ex. Taiwan's version of McDonald's). The reason I'm doing it once a week is because I don't have enough time during the weekdays to blog more than just what happened that day. So hopefully on the weekend, I can spend time formulating a nice little bit about a subject. Sounds good? At first I wanted to call it "Sunday Saturation" but then it sounded like someone peed their pants instead of soaking up knowledge. XD So with this I can finally set aside time to show you things in my environment.

I shall finish up with KUNG-FU CLUB! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS CLUB!!! After doing our extensive warm-ups, we learned more of last week's routine, which got kind of complicated at some parts. I hope I remember it well enough to practice it the correct way. Oh, I should note that I'm the only exchange student left in the club. XD The other three girls from last week left because it wasn't their cup of bubble tea. I'm getting the hang of deciphering Kung-Fu instructions in Chinese and understanding what the teacher shows when practicing on the students. Yes, we got smacked around again today. XD IT WAS AWESOME! THE TEXAN PUT UP A FIGHT! Actually several students were resisting when the teacher tried to kick out their leg and such things. The students that are still in the club are the ones that do want to learn kung-fu so they don't just flail around their arms and legs without any effort.

In conclusion, wu shu (martial arts) club is FANTASTIC. Sandwich and milk tea combo is DELICIOUS. Use dragons to lift heavy objects. Look forward to the first Supplement Sunday coming up! ;D Andrea out!

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