Saturday, September 8, 2012

More Night Market!

YES! I got sleep today! Waking up at the late hour of 11:30, I finally got a good sleep. Well if you exclude the annoying spam advertisement texts I got that woke me up several times, it was a good sleep. My brunch included a salad and an iiiiiiinteresting drink. The salad was different from the previous ones with different raisins and added cheese. The cheese was a nice touch. The beverage bottle had "Sesame & Nuts" written on it. The drink was a thicker brown liquid and to be honest, wasn't my cup of tea. It made my stomach really upset and I couldn't finish drinking it. I tried my hardest but my stomach rejected anymore intake. I tried it though and that's what matters. ^_^

So I just chilled at home until I had to leave to meet up with classmates at the high school. They told me 4:00 at Tatung and from there we would take the bus to Shilin Night Market. Wanna know why I have skills? I'll tell you why. I was supposed to arrive at 4:00 right? Guess what time I arrived? Dun dun dun.....4:00! BOOMSHAKALA! The iPhone doesn't lie on time and it said 4:00 when I set foot on campus. Skills right? ;D But I didn't see any friends when I got there so I just sat next to the meeting place. It was such a hot day that sweat was inevitable and mosquitos were constantly attacking my legs.  Fun stuff right? After 10 minutes of waiting with no sign of anyone I called one girl from last night (Tina) to ask for the phone numbers of the people I was meeting today. (During school we only had time for them to get my number and not for me to get everyone else's number) My phone remained silent as I concluded the girl was busy or something. So I just waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. See the pattern? Remember, it's a very hot sign of anyone coming. I'll let you picture the scenario further. Also I was very hungry/thirsty for something. While I was sitting alone, people would pass by and stare a bit. I even got 2 people walking up and asking me if I was lost or needed help. Woah did I look that pathetic? XD But it was very sweet of them to ask. After an hour of waiting I just gave up and walked to the nearest 7-Eleven across the street to consume something. That something was a nice onigiri of just rice and a sauce (I couldn't tell what each onigiri contained inside so I just got the cheapest one). Twas small but reviving.

Walking back across the street towards my high school to take the path home, I get a text from Tina. She said she was previously in a class and asked if I still needed the phone numbers. Replying 'yes please' she helped me get in contact with some of the peeps. It was only minutes later that one popped up at 5:20. I really don't know what all happened but the girl that showed up first said she just finished church. In the end it all turned out fine as we formed a group of 4 once at the night market.

Though a small group, we met several other buddies quite frequently during the night. There were two exchange student groups, Mr. Handsome-Man from my class (remember him?) and other Tatung students.

The food I had tonight include:
-"Ji Pai" is how I think it's spelled. It's a famous chicken steak thingie in Taiwan and very delicious indeed. A nice little meal for 60NT ($2US).
-BUBBLE TEA! My friends helped me to order the beverage by myself. From "I would like one bubble tea" to "no ice" to "half the sugar." A little difficult to remember on the spot but I'm working on it. ;) Do I even have to describe my feelings about bubble tea's taste? I shouldn't by now. But just in case, I LOVE BUBBLE TEA!!!!
-My friend let me have a taste of her baked potato swimming in a cheesy sauce, veggies and maybe even bacon on top. Very yummy and sweet of her to let me sample it. She lives close to this particular night market so she knows which food/food stands are best.
-Last was some shaved ice. I thought I knew what shaved ice was like but I was sorely mistaken when I saw some Asian shaved ice. It looked like a stack of flaky thin bread mountain but instead was a refreshing dessert of cool ice. My throat has been a bit sore today so the ice felt wonderful sliding down my upper digestive tract. For the 4 of us, we ordered 2 shaved ice bowls. One was a Japanese green tea flavor with the other one being tapioca pearls (the same in bubble tea). I like the Japanese green tea flavor, but once I tried the other spoon became biased towards a certain flavor. I'll let you guess which one. :P THEY WERE SO TASTY! A fascinating texture and brilliant flavor, I definitely want to have some more of that in the future! ;D

I don't think I mentioned this in the last post but there was a T-shirt I saw on Friday that I really wanted. It was of the Taiwanese flag in an artist diagonal angle with nice fabric that wasn't simply cotton. It had like a cooling affect, like a exercise shirt almost. I wanted to buy it on Friday but I unfortunately didn't have enough money as it cost $500NT ($16.8US). There were many cool Taiwan-design-shirts but the flag one caught my eye. I really love different country's flags so of course I want a Taiwanese flag souvenir of some sort. Tonight I spotted the same shirt so I immediately swerved to the stand because I made sure to bring more money. Because the small shop temporarily didn't have anyone else inside, I was able to slip the shirt over my own to made sure it fit. It has a snug fit but not skin-tight. It says it's a size "S" but I think that's an American sized shirt. If it was Asian sized it would be "L." XD No, seriously it would be "L" because that's what my school uniform is. *cough*though I really should've gotten a "M"*cough*

Just for reference, the friends I was with liked K-pop. (If you don't care for K-pop, just skip this paragraph) My eyes spotted something I didn't previously see yesterday. Once spotted, it was flagged on my radar and I absolutely had to see it. Twas a K-pop merchandise stand!!! There was SHINee, Big Bang, BEAST, SuJu, Girls Generation and a random appearance of Justin Bieber. Seriously, what the heck was he doing at a Korean store? I will never know. But I was so amazed at the fact that it was my first time seeing such wonderful objects I have never witnessed before! I've decided, it's my goal to get at least one wall scroll of some K-pop group before I leave Taiwan. The wall scrolls are like 12" by 20" (just an estimate) so they are nice and compact. Maybe they costed roughly $10US or less. I think less than that but I didn't really see the price because none struck me as "BUY ME NOW!"My friends said there was more stands such as these in another place they want to take me another time. I'm torn as to which group to pick as a wall scroll. I think it'll depend on the design ;)

Gosh I already crave some more shaved ice or just something cold on my throat. I sure hope I'm not getting sick. I'm taking my Vitamin C everyday I swear! Oh and remember how the camera I'm borrowing isn't compatible with my Mac unless a cord is used? Well we still don't have the cord and the camera no longer has any more memory room. I'm going to have to start carrying around my American iPhone to take pictures. That's 2 iPhones and an iPod all in one school bag. What fun! (The iPhone I'm borrowing to use in Taiwan isn't mine nor does it have a data plan for me to use so no picture taking on it)

Anyway that's it for tonight! Excuse me while I go consume some more Vitamin C ^_^

1 comment:

  1. wahhhh!!!! kpop!!!!!
    I'd tell you to get me something, but I know you're a poor exchange student ^^ so instead, take lots of pictures of kpop stuff for me.

    also, this probably isn't why Beiber was there, but he sent one of those 'good luck' bouquets to some kpop group, and Psy also recently signed with Beiber's agency. Just some random trivia there :D

    sounds like you're having a ton of fun!!! I'm so happy for you!

