Monday, September 10, 2012

Insomnia By Door

It's official. I am labeling myself as sick. My sore throat is continuing it's torment but thankfully no other symptoms like coughing as invaded yet. It's funny because the other Rotary exchange student (from Texas that came to Taiwan) also developed a sore throat the exact same time I did. No relation at all other than we're both from Texas. Maybe we have the same Texan immunity level. :P Anywho I did feel bogged down today but it was from last night and not my sickness. Here's why...

As I stated in my last post, I went to bed super early at 8:15pm. This would give me 9-10 hours of sleep. Well my door hates me and didn't want me to get a good sleep. Why? Because it will randomly decide to open. Yeah. It'll just open on its own. There is absolutely no pattern to these movements. Nothing from wind or time of day. So as I went to bed about 3 hours before the rest of my family, they were still up and awake. Absolutely normal and nothing wrong with that. In fact I would've been with them if not for going to bed early. But after falling asleep, my door crafts a plan to destroy my hope of a good sleep. Off skipping in la-la-land, I get yanked away by a bright light and noises. This was created from my door opening and letting in the light and voices of my family. Quickly amending it, I shut it door and repeat the process of falling asleep. After some work, I accomplish my goal and return to lovely la-la-land. ONLY I get torn away again from my door opening. What do I do? Simply close it again and have some insomnia difficulties. After finally winning the hard battle to open the gate to la-la-land once!!! IT OPENS A THIRD TIME!!! WHAT?!  It has NEVER done this at night nor so frequently in a 3 hour period. And it just so happens that it's when I'm sick and in need of a good sleep. Thanks door. Thanks. Three strikes and Andrea is out. After that third time, I had extreme insomnia for the next 2 hours until 1:00 or 2:00am. Next time that happens, I am barricading the door shut with a chair or something.

Moving on to the daytime, Mandarin lessons at the university was a lot more challenging than the previous lesson. On Thursday we just learned numbers and time. Today we learned way more technical things in sentences. We also have a BUNCH of homework from learning 24+ new phrases/vocabulary, copying many difficult characters and memorizing slew of character radicals. Not at all an easy, quick task. I will have to work hard for sure! :)

For lunch I was introduced to the university cafeteria and ate there. The system goes by grabbing a tray, going down a buffet-type line and loading up your tray with what and how much you want. The price is based on how much your tray weighs. On the side they give you either white or multi-grain rice. The nice thing was that they have healthy food choices from vegetables, tofu, egg, fish and some meat. Very yummy and something I plan on doing on Mondays and Thursday when at university class.

I did have to rush to school because I wanted to make it in time for lunch. Twas unusual today because I got out of class early and didn't have to wait long for MTR for crosswalks. In the end, I made it with good timing to try something I've been craving. Though I don't know how I craved it when I haven't even tried it yet. XD At the school's Teashop I saw advertised an "Oreo" drink. All weekend I craved something Oreo-y and absolutely had to try this drink. What it ended up being was an Oreo Milk Tea. (Not bubble tea, just milk tea). So that's what I was going to order...until I saw the option for $5NT more, PEPPERMINT Oreo Milk Tea. I LOVE PEPPERMINT AND CHOCOLATE COMBINED!!! Combine that with a cold drink going down my irritated throat and Andrea is sold! It was a tasty drink but nothing phenomenal. I think I'm just craving a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. So far I'm convinced that on the first day I return to Texas, I'm headed straight to Dairy Queen. XD

Another reason I rush early to high school is for the nap time. Today was a bit of a failure because I didn't fall asleep. Dang insomnia. At least it was time to quiet down and rest.

Afterwards was Physics class which I actively took notes and attempted to remember it's contexts from Junior year. Not too much luck but here what was really interesting:
-Teacher threw a blackboard eraser at a student to demonstrate something. Unfortunately he missed and narrowly hit a girl. Scared us stiff!
-Teacher told a story that he got really mad when someone touched his stomach. I don't know who did or when but note to self, never touch his stomach. (I would never in the first place!)
-Teacher allowed 2 students to throw a piece of chalk at a paper target. I don't know why but this greatly entertained me. Maybe it's the stark contrast of classes in America XD

Usually P.E. follows Physics class but today was an exception as it was swapped with Wednesday's Chinese class. It's a good thing too because today's P.E. would've been measuring our height and weight. I had no knowledge of this until today and think it weird to weigh yourself after eating a full blown meal. Well now I have a warning for Wednesday so yay! No, I won't starve myself on Wednesday. I will only not eat a huge breakfast and lunch.

I stayed an extra hour after school to help my classmates decorate our classroom. I don't fully understand it but apparently there's a contest and the best decorations win. We're not finished but we'll have a big Taiwanese, Swedish and Texan flag on the wall to represent the countries in the class. (Remember, Swedish is the boy exchange student) Originally they were going to make the American flag but I suggested the Texan instead since it's a bunch easier to craft and also because I originate from there. They liked the fact of not cutting out 50 stars and 13 stripes. XD

By some unknown feat, when wearing long pants, my legs were made into a complete meal. Red dots of swelling are littered up and down my legs due to hungry hungry mosquitos. Not fun! My host mother had me put some methanol cream on the bites because I was itching up a storm. Is methanol what's in Benadryl that makes it mosquito bite medicine? I'm just guessing but it seems to be working, so yay!

As a part of our salad dinner, we had a piece of flat bread with a slice of tomato and cheese on top. It was like pizza! Delicious pizza of not-being-drowned-in-grease!! Me gusta!

Here's a little question I pose to y'all. Trying to figure out the calories in a can of apple juice, I read the label as "160Kcal." According to google, converting that into calories, it comes out to be "160000cal." That is absolutely impossible for such a small can. Have any solutions to this problem or is it actually 160 calories? :)

I shall now go to sleep...*shifty eyes at my door.*


  1. my apple juice bottle says a serving is about 114 calories. so it's probable that your can is 160

  2. Was the calories capitalized? Because a Calorie has 1000 calories in it, so that's probably what it is! (Confusing isn't it? that's the one thing I still remember from biology XD)

  3. I'm going to go with 160 cal then. No the calories was not capitalized. The "K" in front of it is what threw me off so badly xD
