Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I am legal resident!

Today's Taffy is brought to you by the fact that I am now completely legal in Taiwan! Whoop whoop! This morning I missed the first 3/4 of school to go get my Alien Resident Certificate card. I missed Math class because of it and truthfully made me a little sad. But that was all remedied with after getting the card.

On the way back my mother and I stopped at a juice place which made Andrea very happy. These rare, far-away 100% juice places actually give you 100% juice and not 10% juice + 60% water + 30% sugar. So I was able to get real orange juice which is FANTASTIC for my sick being. Both the taste and vitamin C was very gratifying. Too bad we don't have a juice place close to the house or the school. It's really only the water/sugar orange juice and milk tea.

Further wonderfulness was when my mother took me to lunch to meet a friend of hers. Two big reasons for me coming along, other than meeting the friend, was to get a bowl of hot soup and some hot tea for my throat. Thank goodness I did because it made Andrea take a field trip to heaven. The restaurant was the cozy place I mentioned before with the allusion to the Garden of Eden. Note that this place is elegant, not fancy but quite elegant. Dainty decorations and well dressed waiters made me feel out of place with my BRIGHT ORANGE P.E. uniform. I felt soooooo out of place and wished I could magically change clothes. XD

The mentioned friend was named Philip and is a VERY interesting man. This guy is living life to the fullest with being an English teacher, translator, photographer, personal handy man, at home recorder and more! Dude, I look up to this guy. Very friendly and great story teller he implanted an option in my head. Part of his many jobs is to attend summer camps in Taiwan that teach English. These camps are more interacting based than textbooks because Taiwanese students rarely get the opportunity to use and practice their English. So the organizers hire foreign teachers, paying for the hotel, standard living costs and a bit of extra money to come and work at this camps. Though I don't have many details, it sounds like a very interesting program with a deeper, golden intention to help the students. But I won't go too deep because I don't really have the time tonight and need to study for University. Just know it's really something special. ^_^

After finishing the lunch get-together, I took the MRT to school, catching the last 1.5 hours of the day. Last week I mentioned the desire to stay the extra hour on Wednesday which is the computer programing class but today...I just couldn't. The hour required I had a very difficult time staying awake and didn't understand anything the teacher was talking about. There was extremely few hints on the computer that would help me figure out what to do. Most of the class was the teacher talking without much visual and when there was visual it was not foreigner-friendly. XD So in the end I just left the normal time exchange students are released. This cold is just sucking out all my energy even though I got a nice long rest the night before.

Something cool that happened today was a student came up to me and introduced herself. It so happens she went to Texas before near Dallas (I don't know if she went there as an exchange student or not). She was so happy to talk to a Texan because she missed the Lone Star State. Our meeting was brief but fun. I didn't mention this but last Friday at the night market I came across a foreigner by total surprise. Twas a man in his twenties that came to Taiwan as a missionary. It so happens he was from Texas! Once I told him I was also from Texas, his English immediately switched from an English accent to a Texan accent. It was so funny! Soon both of us said "howdy" and "y'all" during our conversation. Dude was from Austin and was pleasant to talk to. One more thing with Texas. Today I saw a restaurant that caught my eye as it advertised "Texas" with a cowboy cardboard cut out. Turns out it's not really Texan food because it had things like curry chicken. Curry chicken doesn't sound very Texan to was a good laugh anyway at their attempt. XD Soon. SOOOOOON!!!

On that note, legal resident Andrea bids you adieu! :D

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