Sunday, September 16, 2012

Post of Shortness

This Taffy shall be EXTREMELY short due to various reasons. I apologize for that.

Today some classmates originally wanted to take me to Tamsui but couldn't since another typhoon is here and it was raining. Instead, they brought me around Taipei Main Station which mirrors an airport. This station is for both the MTR(subway) and trains. Accompanying this ginormous building is a vast selection of stores underneath the ground floor. Many, MANY people are present at Taipei Main Station it gets very crowded. Not to mention this station is quite complicated and can easily make a foreigner like me lost if I wasn't guided by my friends. We just window shopped and didn't buy anything but nonetheless was still enjoyable to visit shops like a CD store, bookstore, and a store with random merchandise from bento boxes to foot slippers.

Back at home I was able to try two new foods, one of which was a dessert. This treat is famous in Taiwan and was kinda like a moist (but not soft) shortbread with bean paste filling. Quite delicious but I don't know the name in English.

The other food was what the phone translator said was an "oriental grapefruit." It's a traditional fruit you eat during the Moon Festival which started today and will last 1-2 weeks. Particular indeed, this fruit is a clearish-yellowish color with a strange texture. Almost thread-like, the fruit is composed of soft tubes all clumped together is a round shape. It's really hard to describe this texture but that's the best I can do. The taste can be compared to a grapefruit you would find in America but less tart (at least with the one I had). Very yummy, I will try later to capture an image of the fruit's innards. :)

And that's all I got for today. Sorry again, but I hope you have a good day/night! :D


  1. wasn't the dessert a moon cake? it looks and sounds like it's a moon cake, especially since the festival just started.
    I've always wanted to try a moon cake... yummmm

  2. It wasn't quite a moon cake but similar. I'll try an actual moon cake very soon ;)
