Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teacher's Day Preparation + Being Tired

*snoooooze* OH??! Is it time for Taffy already? Ok…I will *yaaaawn* get to it right away. :P

So as you may have guessed it, sleep was not good last night either. Joy. Lack of sleep seems to be spreading around the whole school population and not just among the exchange students. If it wasn’t for the fact that the exchange students got out of class to prepare for Teacher’s Day, I might have oozy-snoozed throughout the day.

This blog installment probably will be short and lackluster due to the fact I was in a daze through the whole day. I apologize.

English class begins school, every Tuesday, for two hours. Remember the culture exchange session? As a reminder, Monday afterschool four students and I get together to discuss a topic. The following Tuesday is when we present a summary of the talk. Afterwards, I write a written report and send it to my teacher. The two cool dudes gave their part in all Chinese but I could understand the gist of what they were saying. Yes, I know the idea of what they were talking about since it obviously was from yesterday but I was trying to understand finer details. Like at first I didn’t comprehend what they said until the reactions of my classmates clued me in that it wasn’t something clean…and involved a hotel. That’s what I mean.

My little speech consisted of the fact that the nightlife Taiwanese and American are basically the same when comparing discos and bars. If branching off from that small part of nightlife, Taiwan has things like night markets and later department store shopping than America does. For example, my teacher said Taiwanese primarily do their department store shopping around nine or ten at night. America majorly has their shopping earlier in the evening. For just a little fun survey, I asked my classmates what they preferred more, dancing or singing? The results were that singing kicked butt, outnumbering dancing 13:2 roughly. I think that could be considered a culture difference because in America, the comparison is more evenly matched. Don’t quote me on this though. This is only an observation based on my Taiwanese classmates and peeps I know back in America. I notice I also hear more about KTV (karaoke places) in Taiwan than actual dancing. In America, I think (THINK) it was more common to go dancing than a karaoke place. That could do with the number of karaoke and dancing places in each respective country. That’s my guess anyway. :P Moving on!

The six of us worked on our Teacher’s Day cards and song we are close to finalizing. That was basically the whole time at high school. Cards. I liked the craft making aspect to pretty-up the cards but didn’t really have the supplies, sanity or time to plan out something super nice. What Eric and I made for our home teacher, I’m quite proud of. It’s quite beautiful, no? It is! SAY IT IS! IT’S BEAUTIFUL! :P

Meh, I’ll include my boring lunch because I have a picture. Lunch was a delicious breakfast sandwich I bought in the morning, tuna flavor would be my guess. I think it’s the healthiest choice and gives me the most bang for my buck. My pool of monthly allowance has run nearly dry and I am super conserving every NT I can save.  It should be remedied tomorrow when I attend the Rotary meeting and receive my next month’s allowance. So it’s all good.

So cards…song…random appearance of Eric the tattoo artist. All of a sudden, Eric (Swedish exchange student) picks up a pen and draws on Rike’s arm (German chica) while making a buzzing sound. It seemed legit and caused a lovely round of laughter spread through the room. The hard work ended up creating “Taiwan 2012-2013” posted across her upper elbow. It was a welcomed bit of light-hearted fun to my exhausted state of mind.

We attended the very last class of the day which I fit right in since the Taiwanese students were dead tired as well. As a surprise act of help, the teacher had the class walk around the campus in attempt to wake them up. It was nice walking around…but I think it make me even sleepier. The last ten minutes of class, my head majorly bobbed up and down, threatening to give in and rest on the desk. I fought to stay awake but I don’ t know how successful I was. I couldn’t tell nor could remember. After school I had the option of getting together with some kung-fu club students to practice for fifteen minutes but I just couldn’t. I might have fallen asleep half-way through the routine and face-planted in some gravel.

Instead, I left school at the usual time but to a pleasant difference, walked to the MTR with Eric. He helped me find an ATM, which ended in a fail attempt to withdraw money due to confusion. Nonetheless, I appreciate having another person with me when trying to figure out potentially dangerous stuff like banks. Eric also showed me a café on the way that had free Wi-Fi. Hopefully I will be able to try out the little place for the Wi-Fi, drink and food. The food has one thing in particular that makes me curious. Eric says the have a traditional American breakfast of eggs and bacon. Sold! I’m interested to see how authentic it may be. ;P I think the “Is Coffee” from Sunday would win on authenticity since they advertised that they import the chicken and eggs from America. But who knows? Actually, my stomach will know if I give them a taste test in the future. :P

Let’s see what else happened today? I had the pear looking grapefruit roughly pronounced “yo zi.” It nearly made my upper lip begin to burn again like it did last week when eating an orange. What the heck is going on? Never have I had such problems like this before. My guess is that it’s some reaction with the fruit’s citric acid but I don’t exactly know what to do about it other than avoid the citric fruit for awhile. Anyone know anything? But at least in this picture, you can somewhat see the stringy texture it has. It's like many, many small tubes that make of this fruit. Don't eat the white stuff though. Tis not tasty at all!

So! …*looks over at bed* Good night! *leaps across the room*

Note: Last Sunday's and Monday's post has been added so check them out if you want. Pictures will be added soon. In concern to Supplement Sunday, I'm just going to debut this coming up Sunday instead. I'm sorry but I think this will be for the best.

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