Friday, September 28, 2012

Teacher's Day Aftermath

Friday, September 2012

Preeeeeeeeetty bland day. I’m still just so dang tired. Last night I went to bed around 8:00 and still didn’t get enough sleep. Either that or I got too much sleep. I doubt the second option because I woke up several times during the night due to the hot weather and THE DOOR OF LET’S-KEEP-ANDREA-FROM-SLEEPING!! It opened twice! Twice! And I immediately closed them each time but I in the process, I swear, my family thinks I’m the one suddenly opening and closing the door because my host brother gives me this confused look when he sees me. XD After the second time the door opened, I placed my laundry basket/bag in front of it hoping that would keep it shut. More on that technique later.

My host father gave me an apple and moon cake to take to school. The moon cake was quite peculiar. The best I could guess flavor-wise was perhaps a harder egg custard with chocolate or bean paste above it. I really couldn’t tell the flavor but overall it was tasty.

The apple created a funny time because my classmates asked what I was going to eat for lunch. I replied “ping guo” (apple) and they all were like ‘That’s not enough! You’ll be hungry!’ It’s so sweet of them that they think about my health. I found it ironic how one guy said the same thing but when the question of “Are you going to eat anything?” came upon him, he answered “Air. Air and water.” Pfft, the irony! On another note, gosh I LOVE FRUIT! That apple was way too satisfying. XD

Remnants of Teacher’s Day covered the black board with bits of Chinese characters and hearts around what I guessed was our teacher’s remainders of an English lesson. The artwork sure gave our homeroom teacher a happy surprise. The other teachers we had later, all hesitated to erase it. But then they suffered not being able to write on the board like they usually do. Eventually our Civics teacher just made two male students erase the board so she could continue the lesson. The class watched as their art was obliterated. To me, it was kind of sad. But it was all good as the teacher later played some “Ally McBeal” during the last half of class. We’re watching that show in order to demonstrate civics and law (if I’m correct) while getting in some laughter in the process. Though some parts are like “…woah. Awkwaaaaard…” XD

FYI, this is my homeroom teacher. Ain't she a sight for sore eyes! ;D Apart from being our homeroom teacher, she is an English teacher so we have her for English class. She is also the one who organized the culture exchange I have with my classmates on Monday and the presentation on Tuesday during her class. She an amazing person! :D
Today was filled with many battles against sleep. My eyes began to hurt so much from attempting to stare down my notebook in order to focus and study some Chinese. I probably looked like I was glaring or something. XD My classmates commented that the entire week I’ve looked tired and said that it’s alright if I go to sleep. In broken Chinese, I explained that in America we would get it trouble if we fall asleep during class.  (Also Rotary doesn’t want us sleeping in class either but I didn’t go that far in my explanation) Soon after, the teacher asked a fellow student to wake an unconscious one and I pointed out this act to a girl who said it was ok for me to sleep in class, in order to back my mindset that sleeping in class is bad (in a fun, joking way mind you). She was just surprised that I understood the teacher. It wasn’t really hard to piece together when I heard “shui jiao” (sleep) and saw the teacher point to an unconscious student in the back.

On top of constantly being bogged down my tiredness, my stomach decides to mimic the feeling of being kicked by a horse. Holy crud it hurt so much. I could barely drink water much less eat anything. So…that was fun (notice the sarcasm).

Back to my door…WHAT THE HECK?!!! Today not only did it continue to open on its own but it decided to take its meanness to a whole new level. Occurring in only a couple seconds, it opens and then immediately slams shut. I hate that! Why do I hate it? Because I’m sure it makes my host family think I’m having a temper tantrum or something. So when my door did that and my host father looked back I tried to explain but I don’t know if I was successful or not. The reason for my door behaving like that must be the wind from my window but I just don’t understand how it could open and shut so quickly with such force! The wind is having a temper tantrum, that’s what!

Would you like to know a random fact? The famous sandwich shop “Subway” is what, about five bucks in the USA for a foot-long? According to Erik, it’s a bit more expensive in Taiwan but only by a buck or so. What is interesting is that Erik said in Sweden, for the same sandwich, it would cost twice as much. Dang! So the saying that food is cheaper in Taiwan, does apply to Erik but not as much for me. Food is normally cheaper at school or street vendors, but not really for famous restaurants like Subway, McDonald’s or Starbucks.

I believe it is sleepy time now. Wait, scratch that, sleepy time was all of today. NOW, it’s actual sleep time. Wan an! (Good night)

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