Saturday, September 1, 2012

*insert pictures*

This pictureless Taffy is brought to you by my stinkin' broken camera. Yes, it still is in its sorry condition of failing to do a single thing. This sucks so badly. My host mother is letting me borrow her camera in the meantime but there's a couple downsides to it. (1) I can't seem to be able to get clear pictures with it (2) I can't transfer the pictures to my Mac every night like I usually do because the memory card is only compatible with Sony computers. So until my mother can find the cord that can connect the camera to my computer, I still have no pictures to upload. Joy.

We won't be able to take in my camera until at least Monday but even then there's no guarantee I'll have my camera working. Gosh I miss my Lumix lens. There were several things I wanted to take pictures of today but nope nope. The camera I'm borrowing doesn't seem to like me nor can I tell if the pictures come out good because the screen is really tiny. Ugh I can insert a whole rant about how I'm so frustrated at my broken camera but I digress.

I think for now I'll continue to write normally but later when this camera fiasco is solved, I'll edit each post and insert pictures into them. When that happens I'll post a note of which ones have been edited if you want to go back and check them out.

Soooooooo was today. Just a day. Not very productive. In the afternoon my host father asked me if I wanted to go to Starbucks and meet up with his friend. Gladly, I accepted happily. I'll take an opportunity to meet someone new and a frappuccino any day! I forgot one thing bring something to do. The time at Starbucks was really meant for my father and his friend to talk to each other. Lesson learned, bring study material to Starbucks otherwise you will twiddle your thumbs for a good hour.

Afterwards we went out for dinner at a restaurant I've previously been to on the 24th. Other than my father's friend, four other people joined us. A woman, who was my mother's friend, and her family of a husband, a son and a daughter. They were so nice because, me being a total stranger, they gave me a beautiful china cup from Shanghai. Oh was I surprised! It's such a lovely gift and so thoughtful of them. *insert picture*

The food at dinner was good as always but one dish surprised the heck out of me. On a plate, there was a soup like dish that had green and white strands of food on it. Thinking it was a type of leaf and onion strips, I take some for my desire of healthy vegetables. I took a spoonful and began wasn't the consistency I had in mind. Thinking nothing of it I took another spoonful but I ended up with the same strange texture. It was then I took a closer look and my blood turned cold for a spilt second. The things I thought were onion strands ended up being many, many tiny fish looking at me with their piercing eyes. Oh crud it scared the heck out of me but ended up being a good laugh XD

And that's it. Really. I have nothing else to report. Sorry. *continues to glare at my broken mess of a camera* :P


  1. Bwahahahah!! Did you ever find out what type of fish you were eating?

  2. Nope. For some reason it never occurred to me. Just the knowledge of them being tiny fish was enough XD
